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kamal (desig)     05 October 2012

Wife has recored scolding

wife is staying with her parents for last 3 months. she went for her brothers marriage. when i called their parents to send her back after her exams was over, they scolded me and are not ready to send her back and falsely telling that I beat her. listening to all their false aligations i became angry and unfortunately scoled her. which they have recorded in their mobile phone. now they are threatening me and my family for mental torture case. how to defend myself if they file a case against me. i am a govt employee, i work in night schedules so without wife very difficult to lead my job and too much painful if she don't join me.  please help.  


 5 Replies

Ranee....... (NA)     05 October 2012

what did you say?

If your words are recorded then there must be her voice also..that means she provoked to you to say so!If your lawyer can establish that then no problem.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     05 October 2012

If spouse cannot even scold each in their marriage thy name "course correction" then first Law be declared "24 X 7 X 365 do's and don’ts Married Act, 2012 for Indian spouses (except J & K) and let it be given effective from retrospective effect!. 


1 Like

Ranee....... (NA)     05 October 2012

24 X 7 X 365 do's and don’ts Married Act, 2012



ha ha ha ha ha ..:D:D


Advocate Suneel Moudgil (Advocate)     05 October 2012

u didn't explain the complete facts such as date of marriage and children, if any. alternatively you can also make complaint and as far as recording is concerned it is not of much value but you bieng govt. employee so be ready for initial harrassment, if complaint lodged.....


Suneel Moudgil, advocate

stanley (Freedom)     05 October 2012

Originally posted by : Tajobsindia

If spouse cannot even scold each in their marriage thy name "course correction" then first Law be declared "24 X 7 X 365 do's and don’ts Married Act, 2012 for Indian spouses (except J & K) and let it be given effective from retrospective effect!. 


OMG the proposition of another law :)

Already s*xual harassment bill at the work place  is on the table 

20 % salary to be given to wife is on the table 

When will a bill like protection of Men domestic violence act at least even come up on the table :)

We are  just having laws and laws being passed and the courts are being burdened that they cant even cope up with the present load .:)

I wish they would pass a law and say all cases  should be completed within 6 months and it should be throughly implemented  ???

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