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anmol (clerk)     18 February 2012

Adoption by step father

Hai I am from Bangalore My husband(present) want to adopt my son from my first marraige .my Ex is no more I am a hindu and my ex was christian now I am re married to Hindu .My son is 9 yrs old I want to apply for his passport. my husband is a divorcee and has a girl child from his first marriage who stay with her mother and he is not in contact with them.we have changed his father name to my present husband name in his school by giving his death cert and marriage cert but what about passport authority will adoption deed registering with sub registrar will do or we need to apply from court . we went to local advocate who is said to be expert in the same , he suggested that adoption deed registration with sub registrar is the procedure and that will do but we want to be sure .can somebody please suggest me.


 6 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     19 February 2012

@ Author

Since you are Hindu and the boy has been brought up as being Hindu what guidance you received from a local Adv. is correct advise as per HAMA Laws. There are certain Fees that is to be paid there which is more or less ranging from 200 – 300 (dependant upon State) that is all and you have already done the half part by changing father's name!.


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Rajeev Kumar (Lawyer/Advocate)     19 February 2012

@ author your local lawyer have suggested you the right procedure so there is no cause to differ from him and i too agree with the views of Tajobsindia
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K.P.Satish Kumar (Advocate)     19 February 2012

It is permitted in law for a step father to adopt a child. But first you should perform a adoption cermony according to the hindu rites and customs in a temple or in marriage halls. Then you should register the child adoption in the sub-registrar ofice. If you want a model copy of the deed of adoption, then call me at 9962999008 or email to mail

K.P.Satish Kumar M.L.

Advocate, Chennai.

1 Like

anmol (clerk)     21 February 2012

Thanks sir

That was very nice of you, that u helped me in coming out of this issue. Once again I thank u

anmol (clerk)     21 February 2012

Thank u sir

Thank u very much for replying me so soon and promptly sir. The reply gave me relief. Because if I had to apply to court for the same it could take another few months for the same.


Once again I thank u sir

Bhavna (EA)     03 April 2012


me and my husband have filed in for mutual divorce in Haryana and will be obtaining the decree in a month's time now. We have a 3 year old daughter but as per the MoU, my husband has written that he does not have any right and does not claim to be a natural father of hers ever in the future ...


I need to get married again and i need to have the step father;s name in my child's passport so she enjoys the fundamental rights. Let me know the process , adoption deed format etc and what documentation i need from my ex husband.....We are based in Haryana.. A prompt reply would be a great help.


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