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Nilesh Naik (Asst)     15 February 2011

Can i go for divorse

Please advice & help me for my wife are compare me with ex-boyfriend. I have see the phot in his bag. I have married in Oct-2011. Can i go for divorse


 8 Replies

Nilesh Naik (Asst)     15 February 2011


Please advice & help me for my wife are compare me with ex-boyfriend. I have see the phot in his bag. I have married in Oct-2010. Can i go for divorse

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     15 February 2011

@ Author,

You donot need legal help just because your wife married you because in you she say her ex boy-friend !. Understand each other needs and desires out of marriage now that both of you are one couple.

Both of you need moderate amount of counseling more than anything in your just under 6 months old marriage and thinking divorce in India is not akin buying a comb from a mall and keeping it casually in your back pocket, for all these years cross by on such flimsy grounds yet divorce is still a far sight for many Indian husbands.

1 Like

Suneet Yadav (Lawyer @ Gurgaon)     15 February 2011

Personal Advice : Just Do try not to care abt the guy....ignore the photo thing.....dont live on her mercy to like you....make your self more strong(emotionally),more confident,more smart (looks wise & personality wise), and enjoy things you like,dont give much attention to her,dont feel inferior,and dont think about her every time.

Perform your marital obligations and give your share of love and dont expect anything in return.

Try all this stuff your life would be better and all your problems will be solved automatically. 

Legal Advice: Untill 6 months of marriage,you cannot file divorce case,so dont think abt it...thinking abt divorce on such facts are not enough mature and haste.

2 Like

Suneet Yadav (Lawyer @ Gurgaon)     15 February 2011


I agree with Suneet sir......initially you are feeling this way, don't take it at heart. Be strong, this is just a phase it will pass, don't develop any hatred or ill feeling about her. It common, its just six months of your marriage, feelings don't work instantly, you need to work on them. You need to spend time with eachother, win each other's heart and begin your relationship with a good & healthy feeling.

Stop Feeling inferior or negative. Its not that she don't like you or something, its just you are a new person in her life , she will take some time to know you, understand you, and then a bonding will be developed, its not instant noodles chill.

Give time , everything will be fine. Don't panic and don't be immature. No haste & impulsive reactions.

Win eachothers hearts......

All the best.

2 Like

A.VIVEK ADVOCATE (ADVOCATE)     20 February 2011

first you have to deside whether you wants divorce it is so easy to get a divore but .............. you have to deside.,,

anuj sharma (programmer)     20 February 2011

Its 3 yrs since our marriage. For about an year me and my wife were staying separately. during this time some elderly people tried to mediate and settle the issue. It was not successful.

Later the girls dad convinced his daughter to submit a case against me and my family members under section 498A. The local ACP counselled us and suggested to live separately in a new house. He did know that the girls side are falsely submitting this case.

Later after moving to a new house, the girl submitted a letter to the ACP requesting for the case to be withdrawn. She also mentioned in the letter that she had falsely submitted this letter as her dad had forced her to submit such a case.

Even after moving to new house, she isnt co-operating with me. We dont talk to each other ...she says she needs time.

Her dad keeps threatening me that he will file another case with the police if i do not send the girl to meet her family. I have not asked my wife to not to meet her family. My only condition is i am not going to meet her family, she is free to go and meet them.

Every day has become a painful day. I am considering divorce. I wanted to know the implications of going ahead with a divorce, because the girls dad is not a decent person and is ready to take up any extreme  steps required to falsely accuse me and my family. He is jobless and a contractor by nature. He has good contacts with the lawyers and is ready to bribe the police if necessary.

I wanted to know a few things related to this

1) On an average how many years can the case run ?

2) How many times a month will i be required to be present in the court to attend the proceedings.

3) How does the alimony thing work ?

4) Can we use the falsely submitted 498a in our case to ask for a divorce ?

I need peace of mind, i am ready for settlement ....if the divorce is given. But i am sure, the girls dad is going to create trouble. So can someone provide me with more details on the divorce proceedings

snow (xxxxxxxx)     09 March 2011


Ha, just in 6 months time u have decided to divorce ur wife just because she has a photo in her bag and u feel that she compares u with him.


Please, grow up, u hardly know her. I agree that u have been married to this lady for 6 months but that doesn’t mean that u know her properly.


If u have any such feelings talk to her, communication is the only key to open up ur heart for her. Don’t take any haste decisions, its not that is to get divorce.


All the best, talk to her and get all the concerns u have resolved.

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