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Ashish Kumar (enggineer)     11 February 2011

Annulment Of Marriage:Pls help!

Please let me know whether my registered marriage be annulled on the ground that while registration was going on I was under influence of alcohol and was not in a position to think what was right and wrong? I m a central govt. servant of 33 years and did Court marriage 4 years ago. But we havent started living together. I m in a great trouble now as the girl repeatedly harassing me to live together and my professional life has become a hell in answering her questions. I just cannot live together with her as I found there exists a vast dissimilarity of thinkings and habits between us. I requested her to get divorce from me, but she refused. Please help me sir. What should I do? If forcefully I have to live with her, my life will become a hell. So, I m asking you whether this registration be annulled on my above said ground? Because all other grounds may not be applicable for annulment. What proof will have to be produced to show that at the time of marriage, i was completely under influence of drugs or alcohol and not in a position to think what i was going to do? Please help me....


 18 Replies

Ashish Kumar (enggineer)     11 February 2011

    "I got engaged 4 to 5 months back and I registered my marriage after engagement to start visa processing. Actual marriage was to happen later(which never happened).I flew out of India immediately after marriage registration. After marriage registration girl true colours came out and we decided to cancel the marriage. Now girls side started blackmailing us of different laws like 498 (didnt even know there was such thing till that point) and said they are willing to cancel the certificate legally if we pay them a huge amount which came down finally to 8 lakhs(We didnt take any dowry at all). Now they say that they dont want to come to court yet as after 1 year they can file divorce and proceed to get more amount(by demanding property share).

What options do I have now:
1)Can I file for marriage annulment or my only option is divorce because its just been 4 to 5 months
2)If I have to wait for divorce I am afraid they will just prolong it to get more money.
3)Do they really get rights to share the property even without a single day of marriage life?? I dont have any property really. I bought a house for my parents which is under my name as I pay my EMI.
4)Can I start criminal proceeding against them for blackmailing us for filing wrong cases on us and for demanding money??

they just have the engagement photographs not the cd, can they prove on this basis that the marriage happened between us?
i just want to get rid of this girl anyhow shortly and easily if possible..
if u guys can help me out to provide some relevant proceedings and cases against them ..
please help.

I got the registration out of some emotion for which I m now lamenting. Since we have not lived together, can this marriage be annulled. The girl actually dont want to get this marriage annulled. The marriage certificate is with her and she will never hand over it to me. Without the certificate, is it possible to get annulment? Can a marriage annulment application be produced at court from only my side without her consent? Help me sir, I m in a great trouble. I just cannot start living with her. I m a govt servant and this case has taken away my peace of mind. The registration was actually done in a hurry and I was not in a position to think and decide rightly at that time. This also was done against my parents knowledge. Now the girl is forcing me to start living together. But I can never consummate with that girl due to complete dissimilarity between thinking and habits of us.Please help me and guide me to get this marriage annuled one sidedly.

Ashish Kumar (enggineer)     11 February 2011

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     11 February 2011

BTW, I have practically seen in USA and UK that either a prospective woman and or a man gets into such 'economics of arrangements' and then leave each other as in to speak on your second post. I feel there is a element of fraud you may be doing upon this lady if your second post to be scrutinized at Bar and is not of silver quality, however I shall ignore this as it is your personal happening to treat woman as 'object' for seeking visa and then come with so called justifications when "that purpose" was fulfilled as is emerging with further postings of yours and leave all these for other readers to place their legal reasoning devoid of personal opinions as they may deem think so.  

2 Like

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     11 February 2011

Ops kindly read the below reply first then the above one, my faulty keyboard caused the above half backed message submission on this board………..

@ Author,

HMA The Act has provision to annulment the marriage as in your presented briefs. However if I note the laches (4 years) in the brief then I say you have a very thin line of defence subject to convincing with stressful pleadings before Family Court to make the verdict come in your favor.
It should be noted that annulments are not easily granted, and proving that a marriage is voidable is not easy.

Let us take it in this layman’s explanation way that, while divorce depends on the existence of an actual legal marriage, it does not “undo” the marriage but rather “ends” it. Annulment, however, “can undo” the marriage by declaring it invalid. Even if the actual wedding ceremony took place (here what I see is the presence of a Registered Marriage already in place) but under the HMA The Act which is gender equal law there was never an actual legal marriage adverse infrence assumption wise, well in your presented case an annulment can be obtained if your side can proove with some limit of resaonable doubt that the said registered marriage was either void or voidable.

Further to understand the thin line a void marriage is one that was never legal (a marriage void ab initio or marriage void from the beginning is the way to put it), such as in the case of a second concurrent marriage (bigamy – which is not the case in hand here) or marriage between two closely related people (incest – again not the case in hand here).  A voidable marriage is one that could be declared void because of specific facts (well this is the facts with resonable inference your side needs better grip on to prove before Bench). For example, if a woman marries a man who later “comes out” and declares himself to be under the influence of alcohol and or drugs, the husband could seek an annulment if he can prove with ‘facts and witness’ that his orientation was concealed at the time of registration of marriage. This means that had all the facts been presented at the time of seekign Registration of their marriage,  presumably it either shouldn’t or wouldn’t have taken place, and as such the marriage is invalid.  However, if the woman knows about man’s alcoholic and or drug inducing stage, enters into the marriage, and continues to live with him, he cannot later claim marital fraud is my stressful view and assert that the marriage is invalid or “voidable.” But, here the beuty of ‘facts placed as in your brief’ is that both of you allege that you never lived with her a single day ! Is it true fact? Further a caveat here (say a flip view) is that, it is not to say, the man must remain married. Instead of an annulment, he may file for a divorce.

However, seek a well reasoned Family Court Advocate further advise in this laches aspect which I doubt you can explain well before bench supported with “facts” being cross examined to reasonable assumptions.

Also note it would be cheaper to sustain this registered marriage and go in for a live-in and the day lady gets the wind of it she will file for divorce is another way to make up once marriage vaccum. 

1 Like

Ashish Kumar (enggineer)     11 February 2011

sorry its 4 months i wrote years by can u suggest..?

Ashish Kumar (enggineer)     11 February 2011

Ambika (NA)     11 February 2011

or your true colors came out ??? 

Your story  has lot of loopholes ....

Let us know how you fared in the court ....

Ashish Kumar (enggineer)     11 February 2011


Ambika (NA)     11 February 2011

How come the querist other postings are removed? Is there any such options?

The removed postings had such inconsistent facts...and his raving against the girl...and my reply wasfor those postings....and part of TajobsIndia Ji's reply also cover one of the earased posting...Seems like he thinks he is a bit too smart ....rendering others replies out of context.....

Is there any edit option here? I do not see any....

..or can it be a miracle induced by technology????

Ambika (NA)     11 February 2011

Oh, so you have now cut and pasted those scattered posting into one...good for readers...but tell us how did you do it? Because I do not see any edit option here...

Ambika (NA)     11 February 2011

Any reason for starting a second thread??????????????????????????????????????????

Ashish Kumar (enggineer)     11 February 2011

i found the edit button at the side of reply button..
there is an icon..if you can see...
you can use it too...
and yes i did a court marriage for visa purpose but that was in a hurry i mentioned above.
i had to leave for out of india the next day after and so i never got a time to think about it
why cant it be possible that i can be drunk at the time of marriage!?!

the reason to start a new thread is that i want to be specific, clear and in detail to the readers, so that they can guide me properly.
anymore questions miss ambika?

Ambika (NA)     11 February 2011

Ok no more question...

Only one thing : your story will not be bought so easily by the coutrs ...Mr. Ashish for obvious reasons.

Thanks for letting me know abot the edit button....

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     12 February 2011

@ Author,

In my opinion you have a good case only if you carefully give your shortest brief to any competent advocate as hinted in my
11 February 2011, 12:30 message.

Court will concede to reliefs as prayed however it will be after some time but then which marriage case is not time consuming.

Parting advise is not to speak your mind of actual purpose even to your advocate till he gets a grip of he briefs as in pleadings and the case progresses.

Well @ Ambika,

A rapist admists to his guilt of rape before the chamber of a Lawyer. He afterwards picks the case. Now, it becomes duty of a Lawyer to protect his client is the universal saying. I did this painful reality check already here in LCI as I was also in doubt, check my that posting and answer by respected lawyer members agreeing to this opening sentence in unison.

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