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This Cookie Policy ("Cookie Policy") is a part of and incorporated within and is to be read along with the Terms of Website Use ("Terms"). The capitalized terms used in this Cookie Policy, but not defined herein, shall have the meaning given to such terms in the Terms of Service.

What are cookies and local storage?

Cookies are small files that the websites place on your computer/device as you browse the web. Like many websites, we use cookies to discover how people are using our services and to make them work better.

Local storage is an industry-standard technology that allows a website or application to store information locally on your computer or mobile device. We use local storage to customize what we show you based on your past interactions with the Website.

Why do we use these technologies?

We use these technologies to do things like:

• make the Website easier or faster to use;
• enable features and store information about you (including on your device or in your browser cache) and your use of the Website;
• deliver, understand and improve advertising;
• monitor and understand the use of our products and services;
• protect you, others and the Website;
• speed up your future activities and experience on our Website (such as showing you a popup only once in your visit); and
• remember information about your browser and your preferences.

Third-party Cookies

We also use third party advertisements on to support our Website and provide our users with free services. Some of these advertisers may use technology such as cookies and web beacons when they advertise on our site, which will also send these advertisers (such as Google through the Google AdSense program) information including your IP address, your ISP, the browser you used to visit our site, and in some cases, whether you have Flash installed. This is generally used for geotargeting purposes (showing New York real estate ads to someone in New York, for example) or showing certain ads based on specific sites visited (such as showing cooking ads to someone who frequents cooking sites).

We cannot identify you personally from this information.

What types of cookies do we use?

Two types of cookies may be used on the Website - "session cookies" and "persistent cookies". Session cookies are temporary cookies that remain on your device until you leave the Website. A persistent cookie remains on your device for much longer or until you manually delete it (how long the cookie remains on your device will depend on the duration or "lifetime" of the specific cookie and your browser settings).

Some of the pages you visit may also collect information using pixel tags (also called clear gifs) that may be shared with third parties which directly support our promotional activities and website development. For example, website usage information about visitors of the Website may be shared with our third party advertising agency to better target internet banner advertisements on our Website. The information is not, however, personally identifiable, although it could be linked to your personal information.

Cookies used on the Website

Type of Cookie

What do they do?

Do these cookies collect my personal data / identify me?


These cookies are essential to make our Website work correctly, they enable you to move around our Website and use our features. Examples include remembering previous actions (e.g. entered text) when navigating back to a page in the same session.

These cookies donā?Tt identify you as an individual.

If you do not accept these cookies, it may affect the performance of the Website, or parts of it.


These cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our Website by providing information about the areas visited, the time spent on the Website, and any issues encountered, such as error messages. This helps us improve the performance of our Website.

These cookies donā?Tt identify you as an individual. All data is collected and aggregated anonymously.


These cookies allow our Website to remember the choices you make (such as your user name, language or the region you are in) to provide a more personalised online experience.

The information these cookies collect may include personally identifiable information that you have disclosed, such as your username or profile picture. We shall always be transparent with you about what information we collect, what we do with it and with whom we share it.

If you do not accept these cookies, it may affect the performance and functionality of the Website and may restrict access to content on the Website.

Targeting / advertising

These cookies are used to deliver content that is more relevant to you and your interests. They may be used to deliver targeted advertising or to limit the number of times you see an advertisement. They also help us measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

We may use these cookies to remember websites you have visited and we may share this information with other parties, including advertisers and our agencies.

Most types of these cookies track consumers via theirIP addressso may collect some personal identifiable information.

Where are these technologies used ?

We use these technologies on our own Website and services and on other Website that have integrated our services. This includes our advertising and platform partnersā?T. Third parties may also use these technologies, for example, when you interact with their content from within our services, like when you click a link or stream media on the Website from a third-party service, and to help with the delivery of ads shown on and off of the Website.

Do we use Third Party Cookies?

We use a number of suppliers that may also set cookies on your device on our behalf when you visit the Website to allow them to deliver the services they are providing.

When you visit the Website you may receive cookies from third party websites or domains. More information about these cookies may be available on the relevant third party's website.

Additional Information About Third Party Analytics in use on our Website:

Facebook Connect. For more information about what Facebook collects when you use Facebook buttons on the Website, please see: Data Policy.

Twitter. For more information about what Twitter collects when you use our Website, please see:

Google Analytics: For more information about Google Analytics cookies, please see Google's help pages and privacy policy:

Google's Privacy Policy
Google Analytics Help pages

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all third party analytics providers that we work with.

How can I control Cookies?

Most internet browsers are initially set up to automatically accept cookies. You can change the settings to block cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent to your device. There are a number of ways to manage cookies. Please refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn more about how to adjust or modify your browser settings.

If you disable the cookies that we use, this may impact your experience while on the Website, for example you may not be able to visit certain areas of the Website or you may not receive personalised information when you visit the Website or you may also be unable to login to services or programs, such as logging into forums or accounts.

If you use different devices to view and access the Website (e.g. your computer, smartphone, tablet etc) you will need to ensure that each browser on each device is adjusted to suit your cookie preferences.

Changing your Cookie Settings. The browser settings for changing your cookies settings are usually found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of your internet browser. In order to understand these settings, the following links may be helpful. Otherwise you should use the 'Help' option in your internet browser for more details.

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari

More information. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit About Cookies or