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pravin maru   30 May 2023

Restriction on public access and permit room in sports complex on government allotted land

I would like to seek legal guidance regarding a situation involving a charity trust/society that has constructed a sports complex on government land, which was allotted to them on lease by the collector for development and maintenance purposes. However, the trust is currently restraining people from entering the premises and even running an unauthorized permit room within the complex. Upon examining the Development Plan (DP) remark, it is mentioned that the land is reserved for RG EOS2.6

  1. Restriction on Public Access: Despite being built on government land, the charity trust/society is preventing people from entering the sports complex. What are the rights of the public in this situation, and can the trust legally restrict access to the premises?

  2. Unauthorized Permit Room: It has come to my attention that the trust is operating a permit room within the sports complex, which appears to be unauthorized. Is this a violation of any laws or regulations? What are the potential consequences for the trust if they are indeed running an unauthorized establishment?

  3. Development Plan (DP) Remark: The DP remark for the land in question mentions that it is reserved for RG EOS2.6. Could you provide clarification on the significance of this remark and how it may impact the legality of the trust's activities on the premises?

I would greatly appreciate any legal insights, guidance, or relevant statutes that pertain to this situation. Additionally, if there are any potential courses of action that can be taken to address these issues, please advise on the appropriate steps to be followed.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.


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