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Yashwant P   22 January 2022

Father bought agriculture land under his minor son in 1970s. now father is demised without any will.

My father bought land with his salary in my name when I was a minor (the sale deed is in my name only). My mother was appointed as a guardian. I am 60 years old now and our father and mother are demised without any will or legal document as such. My younger brother is claiming his share in this purchased land saying it was bought by the father's salary income and has filed a case in district civil court.

My question is, does my younger brother have any right? Also, am I exclusive owner or not? If I have to sell the land, can I do it?


 3 Replies

Adv. Mohit Chahal (Advocate)     23 January 2022

Your father salary was his self acquired assets and his decision to buy property out of his salary in your name does make the character of said property as ancestral. Your brother can only claim his right in ancestral property and present case is not of ancestral property.

Mohit Chahal
District Court, Hisar

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     23 January 2022

You are the sole and absolute titleholder (owner) of the property where none else have any right, claim or interest in the property purchased by your deceased father in your name when you were minor.

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G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     23 January 2022

Who enjoyed possession and enjoyment during your father's lifetime and whether there was a legal partition and separation in an undivided family..  Contact a local advocate, as Karta can purchase property in the name of his minor son or any co-parecenor and other documents has to be verified by your advocate to rule out such possibility.

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