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Summersail (Service)     09 September 2013

Polygraph test

Bounded by many vulagar and cheap allegations. I am unable to find any way out of this menace. I wish to step ahead and demand polygraph test for my in  laws and my family.

The case is stll in evidece phase.

Will court accept this proposal?

What is the procedure I need to follow?


 5 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     09 September 2013

1. No.
2. You are accused in the case.
3. Such tests are for the accused person(s).

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NRI Legal Consulting (Consultant)     09 September 2013

No court will not accept this proposal?

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Summersail (Service)     10 September 2013


Yes sir I am accused. I wish to wash out all of the stains ASAP.

Summersail (Service)     10 September 2013

@NRI legal cnsulting

As far as I have researched on this topic I came to know that it wll increase credibility of my case.

I dont know, sir why court should deny it. Can you please explain?

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     10 September 2013

1. I'm aware you have been named accused in a case in reference to context.
2. Your in-laws should propose such tests upon you and then you should come forward and agree to such tests voluntarily once proposed and not that you yourself propose upon you to be subject to such tests which is just a bald statement which we daily hear from accused persons in Courts!!!
3. Here you being accused person you are trying to institute tests upon complaint(s) which is not possible in Family Law.
4. There are other ways to defend such false allegations which your Advocate may suggest to you based on facts you discuss about the case with him.
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