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Successfully fighting with 498 (MANAGER)     21 May 2013

Special thanks to all lci members

Dear All,

The battle of false cases since last 1.5 years ended for me with withdrawn of all criminal/maintenance cases and the passing of First motion of Divorce.

I would like to tell my fellow friends, please stand up and fight against the misuse of 498a, no matter how scared or nervous you are, at least put up a fight that can leave a impression on the people who misuse the law that we will not give up without a good fight, we will no longer take this injustice.

The compensation which I was donated to b*tch was 1.5lacs (my 3 months’ salary,5% of her initial demand).

I thank you all once again for standing by me, filled courage in me, regain my confidence for cheering me up and continued support to me during my struggle.

Due to frustration they changed total 5 lawyers.

My case details as follows






Bitch was filled 498a,506,DP3,DP4,125 CRPC on me and 9 of my family members after 9 months of marriage by demanding 30lacs as compensation.


FIR Registered


I Got AB


My Father and brother arrested and got bail on same day.


My case was charge sheeted by deleting 7 of my family members


Her interim maintenance application under 125 crpc got rejected.


Bitch was filled False 406 case. But fortunately FIR was not registered


Later FIL was tried for reconciliation but I showed middle finger


Bitch filled protect petition by challenging the charge sheet and rejected


Cross examination of PW-1(Wife),My lawyer played football


Cross examination of PW-2(FIL),Same My lawyer played football


They got frustration and  begging for Reconciliation/MCD. We are offered MCD without compensation.


Finally matter was settled at 1.5lacs due to I have my young brother for marriage


498a,125 crpc was withdrawn, Judge was given 3 months’ time to the b*tch as cooling off period in 498a case


First motion of MCD Passed.


 8 Replies



Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     21 May 2013

congrats for great achivement you had yeasterday

but be careful for this 6 months till you get the second motion of MCD and final divorce order 


@Thread starter,


First I would like to congratulate you.Further I advise you to modify your message as these have abusing terms refering to your wife.If by any chance,your wife came to know about such thread,you may be again in trouble.


Moral of the story is that one should hold his anger and vent such anger to your advantange sharing experiece with others about your story.

Note-This reply should be taken as per the declaration given in my profile page.




Ranee....... (NA)     21 May 2013

Yes, If she comes to know and refuse for the second motion?

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     21 May 2013


Originally posted by : Peaceful Life

I would like to tell my fellow friends, please stand up and fight against the misuse of 498a, no matter how scared or nervous you are, at least put up a fight that can leave a impression on the people who misuse the law that we will not give up without a good fight, we will no longer take this injustice.

The compensation which I was donated to b*tch was 1.5lacs (my 3 months’ salary,5% of her initial demand).


1.    I Agree to @ news_Know!!! on removing abuse part from a forum reporting of once partial decided case.

2.    But I would rather say remove your whole message as there is nothing special that you have done at all except lowering expectation demands from 30 L to 1.5 L when it is seen none of her substance in Court or produced by Police are standing worthwhile trial and getting rejected – dismissed one by one r/w the whole matter was 1.5 years old and not that older!
A. The parties matter is still sub-judice in a Court and announcing relevant matters in public forums when second motion r/w Appeal period is still not over in such case matters is not right way to share what you have assumingly (under-)achieved is my view.

B. If one does MCD then never tell others “to contest” whereas you follow MCD route, it sounds simply not fair for others!

If you have younger brother then others also have someone younger or older for marriage or few sick and dying members at home and basing family member as reason for agreeing for MCD is subjective and cannot be told to generalise in public forums.

D. Hence if you could not ignore your younger brother marriage then it is not politically right to advise others to ignore their younger sibling’s impediments and contest their cases?

E. I see from published case management list absence of single ‘counter cases’ from your side to put pressure on other side hence it is plain MCD which she has achieved at the end not you is my view that also say getting a stipend @ Rs. 10 k per month for 1.5 years the various cases were on floor of various Courts which is like payment of stipend to a once upon a time well interviewed intern J

A MCD can be done plain vanilla way wherein no need to contest cases arise and only skills needed is ‘negotiation’ and ‘filing result oriented counter cases’ even if dozens Criminal Family Law cases on once head. Plain vanilla here stands for zero payment and many be you could have achieved such results too for a simple reason her allegations were constantly showing zero impact to overall charges and eventually all would have acquitted – dismissed and meanwhile younger brother marriage would have also happened is my view in reference to events mentioned in announcement brief.

G. Hence suggest to currently remove the posting and may post again after receiving decree sheet / Appeal period over.

2 Like

Need Justice (manager)     22 May 2013

Congratulations !!!!!!!

Need Justice (manager)     22 May 2013

Hello peaceful life

Congrats for you upcoming peaceful life, can you help me out by refering the lawyer you have hire as iam also facing a problem.

awaiting fro ur reply.


498 A fighter (Advocate)     24 May 2013

Congratualtion .....

also pay attention at the advice of tajobs india

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