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Arjun Kapoor (advisior)     12 October 2012

Inter cast marriage between hindu boy and muslim giirl

HI all,


I have some queries regarding Arya Samaj Marriage act. I am going to marry with a muslim girl. Now the problem is that her parents have very good link with police department. they can issue a warrant agains me. how can i prevent from this. please help.


 11 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     12 October 2012

1. Hire an advocate from reference and or via database search of LCI Lawyers.

2. If girl (lady) is with your side then via Advocate file Writ of Mandamus roping in Police and necessary parties (all those family members who are adversial to this love marriage) and seek protection order from Hon'ble HC to life and limb of this young couple(s).

3. Also double check with the lady that the lady will say YES to marriage without force, fear, fraud when asked in Hon'ble HC and is ready to be with you in thick and thin of this inter-caste marriage and should not turn hostile later on.

4. Also note Arya Samaj will not do this nature of marriage. For these inter-caste marriages one should apply under Speical Marriage Act which an Advcoate can guide you as in Chamber discussion ways.  

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Arjun Kapoor (advisior)     12 October 2012

thanks sir.

i heared that if girl convert to hindu religion then arya samaj marriage can be done. she is ready to convert. we can do the court marriage under special marriage act, but the problem is that court will send a notice to our address and take 30 days for that. we cant wait 30 days because her parents can do anything. 

we afraid from her parents. is there any way where we can marry same day? 

Please also tell me, if i want to live some another city after the marriage, where should apply for Writ of Mandamus. i mean to say which high court. we are presently living in delhi. If i want to file Writ of Mandamus in advance. how can i do this? please please please help me.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     12 October 2012

1. What you heard is to be kept as only heard. Special Marriage Act is the only legal option for secular marriages.
However since you now say that she is ready to convert into Hinduism then a brief ceremony will be conducted at Arya Samaj Mandir before your marriage actually takes place under Arya Samaj Mandir ways and then it is a legal valid Hindu marriage for all its effects of acts of ommissions / commissions. 
However experience tells me to add here that for Muslim(s) to convert to Hinduism is very very far reaching step, hence make her relaise her renouncement of religion and follow-up rituals and ceremonies she will now have to participate rest of life being a Hindu wife as per your families customs and traditions and donot take her immediate yes to be as an final answer from her side wearing love glasses. I may sound tyrannical but that is what experience is all about when showing correct true legal read with cusoms and traditions of parties pictures cometh.

2. Follow
Para 1 for your rest of the query. Delhi HC doors are open for providing help. Now, allow interjection of an Advocate to step in, hand in hand from a Chamber discussion onwards to help the needy couple accordingly.

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Arjun Kapoor (advisior)     12 October 2012


Thanks Mr. Tajobsindia &  Mr. Ashish Davessar.

Dear Sir/s,

please guide me what should i do? i dont have any support from anyone. Her family have a good approach in legal departments, police and even CBI and CID also. 

Should i go thru Arya Samaj Marriage and then file a Writ of Mandamus ?

what should i do? i am totally confused. If i go under Special Marriage and and Writ of Mandamus; what will be the procedure for that or how much time it will take. We are planning to marriage in January first week. Pleae advise me.

Adv.R.P.Chugh (Advocate/Legal Consultant (     12 October 2012

Endorse the replies of my learned brothers tajobs & ashish ji

1 Like

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     12 October 2012

First you marry the girl and register it.  For some personal information contact me.

Arjun Kapoor (advisior)     12 October 2012

thanks sir.

can i go thru arya samaj marriage act after conversion of that girl?

please tell me how i can register my marriage after it. 

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     13 October 2012



Originally posted by : Arjun Kapoor


can i go thru arya samaj marriage act after conversion of that girl?

please tell me how i can register my marriage after it. 


It seems you are overwhelmed by experts reply to your thread, let me for the last time simplify easy steps in following bullet points;

1. Ask 100th. time to the lady if she is fully aware of "conversion" from Muslim to Hindu.

If she says YES without any rainbow glass, fear, force then approach Arya Samaj Mandir office behind Hanuman Mandir, Baba Kharak Singh Mark (CP) and ask for Marriage Form / Annexure requirements and Conversion needs of the girl.

Fill up the Form and annex the necessary annexure and relevant Documents and meet the basic fees and particular Arya Samaj Mandir will give a date of Conversion followed by marriage. The Arya Samaj conversion procedure in Hindi is called "shudhikaran" and one needs two witnesses for the same and also for Marriage two under Arya Samaj form of Marriages. On marriage date under Arya Samaj form bring two – three witnesses and take photos of two important rituals
“saptapadi” and “data homa” and ring exchange as well as tying of managalsutra. Preferably take the pictures with time / date stamps. The marriage for all Hindu marriage legal purposes is complete. The Arya Samaj Management gives a Certificate of  Marriage given to you is a legal document of a valid Hindu Marriage. Keep Xerox copy each and original safely.

Now approach Delhi HC under Writ of Mandamus annexing Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate true copy + photos of marriage to the Writ Petition with prayer for protection and smooth Registration of Marriage (as made compulsory under guidelines that of Hon’ble SC way back in 2006). Delhi has streamlined Hindu Marriage Registration process and few Forms and bare minimum annexure / photos are needed along with basic fees which yur advocate can handle on your behalf as part of the brief.

The Hon’ble HC of Delhi will direct the Protection of newly wed couples from arrayed list of relatives, men and agents and meanwhile Registration of your Hindu Marriage will also be completed as assisted by your hired Advocate. This Registration of Marriage certificate is more valid a document for foreign Embassies / Countries travel purposes if Visa and or Emigration in future by newly wed couple are opted for.

We hope you have been explained well of all the steps as per your brief and there should not be further problem to approach an Advocate for the main purpose? If any then kindly open fresh thread post and put your fresh queries there, we are here to guide with correct legal provisions for needy clients legal queries.

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Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     13 October 2012

There is nothing called Arya Samaj Marriage act.


from qeuries it appears taht you did nto visit Arya Samaj Temple to consult on the issue.  They know better than many advocates

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