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venkat (software engineer)     24 July 2012

Marriage of other state,caste



I would like to know the process for inter state marriage.

Girls Parents are not willing for the marriage as it is other state. But we both are very much willing to get married. I would like to know the details about the process, when we can perform marriage, eye witnesses, documents required.

The following are the details.

Boy Details -

Age 28, From Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh, B E, Msc (Psychology)

Girl Details -

Age 23, From Porbandar, Gujarat.  MA(Psychology)


Can anyone from the forum members provide details. Thanks in advance.





 1 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     24 July 2012

There is no such legal defined process called inter-State marriages!

All that thus gets covered are called as inter-Caste marriages and it is done under Special Marriage Act.

Parents may have their apprehension on sending their daughter to another State. This can be overcome by you re-locating to brides place and with passage of time reverse migrate to your own
Home State with institutional bride in hand. It is always better to cover one step at a time for a smooth marital sailboat.

The stated personal details of boy-girl that you mentioned beofre us is not material except one of us may help you as marriage assistance Advocate in case parties find it difficult to run-around finding competent office / Marriage Form / Attestation / Filing etc. etc. J

Special Marriage Act, 1954 provides for solemnisation of marriages in accordance with the provisions of the Act. SDMs / ADMs / Deputy Commissioners have been authorised as Marriage Officers for this purpose.


2. For solemnization of marriage, presence of both parties is required after submission of documents of issuance of notice of intended marriage. A copy of the notice is pasted on the office notice board by the ADM. Any person may within 30 days of issue of notice, file objection to the intended marriages. In such a case, the SDM shall not solemnise the marriage until he has decided the objection, within 30 days of its receipt. If the ADM refuses to solemnise the marriage, any of the parties may file an appeal within 30 days to the District Court. In case no objection is received, the ADM solemnises the marriage after 30 days of the notice. Both parties along with 3 witnesses are required to be present on the date of solemnisation of marriage. It is advisable to submit names of witnesses atleast one day in advance.

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