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Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     25 November 2011

A blessing in disguise - 1 l marriages in delhi

A Blessing in Disguise

How ?

Bze of The Media News

and its Link:

Why ?

Men's Rights Activits (MRA's) have done free circulation of recently published Equality for men – Myth or Reality? on the eve of Internationmal Men's Day (IMD, 19th. Nov. 2011) a well researched Handbook and already received blessings of Law Min. Sh. M. Veerappa Moily in USA whose PDF copy is annexed here we plan to give 1 L gift only in Delhi of our publication to 1 L grooms on the eve of news item !



Whn !

after you all watch Youtube item linked below

Credits: Vinod the brother to 1 L grooms getting married in Delhi coming season...........................



 1 Replies

Rohit Shukla (Engineer)     25 November 2011

Great Work Guys!!!!! & Thanks Tajobs Sir,


Wish it could have come earlier, anyways I am sure its going to create some level of awareness and would dispel some myth of our apathetic Indian psyche. I plan to do the following as my share of responsibility and duty: 1. Circulate the same in my HR department requesting them of conducting a session for our unmarried employees (they do it for girls again s*xual harassment) 2. Would like to forward and request to main marriage portals (,, etc) to create a special section educatiing people getting married. This is going to add credibility to their share of concern for their customers. 3. Meet people especially my female colleagues educating how 498a could even be used against their mother or herself if used by their bhabhi's. Further, there is no end to innovations, so would request to please let us know if anybody could think any more effective way of spreading this one. Thanks again!


Rohit Shukla

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