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  • Love vs Law! 
  • Why law can give you the ‘final support’
  • Can love supersede the boundaries of a ‘significant other’? 
  • Law being the perfect grounds for success


Love is a vast concept to be discovered. It is not limited to a particular person and is something which makes you happy in your worst moments. A delicious breakfast made by your mom, that’s love, when the sunshine crawls up the window to tear up the paranoia of darkness, that’s love and when your parents held your hand on the first day of school, that was love. It can be anything and everything. Love is not limited between two individuals but between the reality and its reasons.

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Some love people, while some love animals. Some love themselves, while even some find love in subjects, such as law itself. Here are some reasons which could make you change your mind while choosing your “significant other”.

Put your head on my shoulder? Yeah, let me clear my bills first.


Reason 1: Law is Loyal

Loyalty is one of the basic cornerstones for love. Without it, the whole structure itself falls apart. Humans are born to grow. The moment they sense something which is not helping them grow, they drift away, maybe for someone better. 
Law may not help you in your emotional moments but it does help you grow, even if you betray it, you’ll end up finding it again, loving you back with success and growth. As rightly said by one of my work acquaintances “suits stay longer with you than love”. 

Reason 2: Love is a time bomb, waiting to explode!

Love is not something which can be found easily. It is formed by a mutual bond of care and respect. The concept revolves around being there for each other in times of need. 

The prosperity of the concept itself is a major task, but there are times when the individual does not feel that “prosperity” anymore. For humans, to move forward and achieve something greater, one has to sacrifice something. For most, it’s love. They move forward with life, striving for a better day, while law wins the race here as well. 
Law is something which will guide you throughout your life. While it can make you feel alone at times, but it does make you realize your priorities and one day it might even help you find your significant other. 

Reason 3: Law is inexpensive!

Though it is a vivid fact that law is one of the most expensive subjects but it’s like making a small investment for something amazing, maybe even bigger than the subject itself! It is something which gives you knowledge on every aspect of life, even love at some certain points unlike the “other stuff” which either gives you a motivation for reaching the top of the Everest or gives you an option to sway the roads with an empty mind, as absurd this may sound, it is true, upto some extent.

Reason 4: Love makes you do the crazy

Not to mention various criminal intentions that “love” has been stirring up in the recent times, it can be said that it does make you do crazy stuff, with a feeling of regret, that haunts you for eternity! 

One day you are normally sipping coffee with a perfect case study in your hands and on the other day you’re crying for someone who never paid any attention to your existence. The better choice? The answer resides in the eyes of the reader.

Reason 5: Law is Perfect!

Humans require care and respect, in order to grow and learn. Being happy and attaining peace is one’s final goal. Cannot state other stuff but Peace is not something you can use with the pronoun called “love”.  

Reason 6: Law won’t fight with you!

This is a major one! Cannot say much about fighting but it is true, the more you proclaim, the better you are at Law. The whole concept of law is to serve justice and to uphold the legal fraternity at the top, love would just make you feel like a void of anger, so much to say while you can’t always stand up to face the consequences. 

Reason 7: Law is another word for proclaiming, while love is averse

As vividly stated in the previous reason, the grundnorm of law is to proclaim and serve justice, while love is seemingly a whole lot different. Fighting for what is right, is normal, fighting for not remembering a particular date or not remembering a single aspect of the relationship is just pure idiocy.

Reason 8: “Benefit of doubt is in favor of the accused in Law” 

The above statement is quite underrated in its own way. The moment you see your “significant other” with someone else, how do you feel? Betrayal? Anger? Fatuity? Maybe like a potential threat to your own mental peace. Law provides for the one who has been accused has the benefit of doubt if the prosecution fails to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused were guilty of the offences. Therefore, in a scenario of an argument, there is a certain reasonable grundnorm behind it, unlike the reason of having a glimpse at someone’s private affairs.

Reason 9:  Love - an expensive exchange

In Law, you only pay damages when you do something wrong intentionally. Love makes you pay no matter what you do. This statement says a lot about love as a concept, though it gives you a warmth of someone’s company, but so does a perfect case study. Love requires lots of attention and gifts while law requires you to just peacefully sit and read.

Reason 10: Both sides are always heard

“Audi Alteram Partem” is a maxim which means “let the other side be heard as well”, this principle refers the grundnorm that no person should be judged without a fair hearing in which every single party is given an opportunity to respond to the evidence against them, which is a flawless rule in the law and some humorous gibberish for love. There is not much to explain in this cornerstone, if the maxim was to be followed in love, a number of crimes won’t exist.


While love and law are completely different, they are somewhat similar in a number of scenarios. But it all comes down to what makes a person feel happy and contended, while both can have its reasons to believe otherwise. 

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