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Correction of records after re-survey in kerala

I had purchased 20 cents of land from the 50 cents owened by uncle, and I constructed boundary wall adding additional 0.5 cents from his land, with his oral permission, to solve the spacing issue of my proposed house plan. But after re-survey the records shows only 20 Cents on my name, may be some error from surveyer or he documented the Title Deed area without surveying, instead of showing the actual land ie. 20.5 in side the boundary. So, Can I get it corrected as 20.5 cents even though my title deed area is 20 cents only. My uncle has no objection and ready to give any written statement in this regard. I just want to show 20.5 cents in my possession in re-survey records even though the actual area as per title deed is 20 cents. Even at the time of re-survey the actual area inside my boundary was 20.5 cents but due to error from surveyor's side it was recorded as 20 cents.


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