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Marrying divorced first wife again


Husband was granted divorce in the year 1996. Husband married other woman and after some years, second wife expired due to health issues.

Husband came in contact with the First Wife and wishes to stay with her for rest of life; now, should the husband marry first wife to show her as a family pensioner?,

In the incident of second wife's death, will the divorced first wife be eligible as a Family Pensioner?

kindly clarify.

Thanks in advance.



 2 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     27 August 2016

Look into def. of Family in applicable pension rules.

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Agastya   28 August 2016

If the original asker of this question is the husband then Ramesh Singh answer may work. But more importantly for my own curiosity, why not a fresh 20 year old? Just wait a year or two as a single man and meet new people. After that decide if you still want the old first wife to be the new wife. Or if she still wants you. If the 1st wife (who is now going to be the 3rd wife) is the asker, get the official marriage certificate and change your passport as wife of so and so. Then submit to pension office.

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