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Need help for filing a case on my wife n her family


My wife left me on jan 2nd of 2014, i called her to return to me but, she denied and after a month later when i tried to shift (where me and my wife stayed together alone as part of our profession) myself to hometown, she (so called my wife) and her family along with their relative attacked, abused and necked me out. after two days they are staying in that residence. 

I applied for divorce to get rid off from their torture (my so called wife and her family). Before applying for divorce there were two panchayats happened. In that my so called wife threatened of suicide without any reason. She and her family wants to keep in troubles by playing their dramas. now they are trying to threaten me that will file 498(a) or DV cases. 

1. Can I file any case on them for attacking and necked me out from the residence. If so, under what section or how can I proceed.

2. She and her family contacting many persons at my hometown and pressurizing me to accept her and blaming (creating bad on)  my parents without their (my parents) involvement on any of the issues, which I don't want to. What can i do?

Please advice. I need to teach them a lesson and want to put them under crap. Please please advice....



 17 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014

your post is not indicating all facts.  Your questions are attempted as under.

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Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014

My wife left me on jan 2nd of 2014

called her to return to me but, she denied


Ans : Why did she leave.  After how many days of marriage she left.  She might have expressed some reasons. Here you are saying you want her back in the end of the post you say you do not want her back as you want to teach a lesson.



Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014

i tried to shift (where me and my wife stayed together alone as part of our profession) myself to hometown,


Ans : Quite strange you felt like shifting only when you had trouble with wife.  It is equally strange that since you were shifting due to professional needs and your inlaws resisted heavily.  Should one not believe that you were shifting only to avoid her or shifting was going to cause some damage or prejudice to her.


If the shifting was dut to professional need then why you did  not shift.


Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014


after two days they are staying in that residence. 


Ans : It appears that for two days they lived with you and kept beating and you continued get being beaten.


Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014

I applied for divorce to get rid off from their torture


Ans : On what ground. Where? What is the outcome/stage?

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014


(my so called wife and her family)



Ans : How she is “so called wife”.. Is she not married to you?  Your expression itself indicates your inner sence.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014

were two panchayats happened.



Ans : What was the outcome of the panchayats.


Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014

threatened of suicide without any reason



Ans : You say that threat of suicide is without reason which is just beyond anyone to believe.




you have not tried to understand her plight which compelled her to threat suicide( ending own life which is always very dear to every living being)




you know the reasons for her behaving so and you also know the reasons unpalatable for you to share




you consider these reasons as unjustified which according to her may be the last resort.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014

She and her family wants to keep in troubles by playing their dramas


Ans : It is a cold fact that whenever any married girl is troubled by husband or in-laws and her parents/relatives resists their action is always terms as “drama”.  Your expressions indicate  you are no different case


What is “drama”

Are they wearing special costumes and having pre-crammed scriptt?

DO they come with rehearsal alongwith your family?

Are they selling tickets?

Do they derive pleasure of being humiliated?

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014


Can I file any case on them for attacking and necked me out from the residence. If so, under what section or how can I proceed.


Ans : why you failed to dial 100 the nand there. Why you have deprived the police of you timely MLC.


You can still give application to area SHO and when he will not (in all probability) give application to the court.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014

She and her family contacting many persons at my hometown and pressurizing me to accept her and blaming (creating bad on)  my parents without their (my parents) involvement on any of the issues, which I don't want to. What can i do?


Ans : This conduct of them indicates that they still want reconciliation which you do not want.


You say they are meeting your releative.  Why should they now.  Every parent of girl hasa moral right to contact those relatives who came with Barat for free feast and gift.


This also indicates that some relatives of you are sensitive to her plight (and your future plight as well) and they love you to the extent that they may be intending peace in your life.  They perhaps want reconciliation and may be contacting  or concelling you and you feel it  “pressurising”


Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014

She and her family contacting many persons at my hometown and pressurizing me to accept her and blaming (creating bad on)  my parents without their (my parents) involvement on any of the issues, which I don't want to. What can i do?


Ans : You have stated that you and your parents are being blamed before relative.  You are silent :-


What are the blames?

Whether blames are true of not.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014

She and her family contacting many persons at my hometown and pressurizing me to accept her and blaming (creating bad on)  my parents without their (my parents) involvement on any of the issues, which I don't want to. What can i do?


Ans : You definitely do not want your parents to be involved.  But from your post it indicates that :-


(i)    You do not want peace.

(ii)  You want to teach lesson (god knows whether you teach or learn).

(iii) Your parents are being socially blamed (yet to be blamed before CAW or in Thana)

(iv)  You do not want involvement of your parents.


Love for parents is good and appreciable.  But they deserve peace.  Unless peace is there they are involved.


So peace is the option if you want them to be happy and un-involved.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 June 2014


I need to teach them a lesson and want to put them under crap.



Ans : Sorry you want to teach a lesson or learn a lesson.


You perhaps do not know woman friendly laws which (as appearing from your post) have not been set in motion against you and your parents.


These laws (though mostly misused) are tailor made to deal with cases like yours. Legal process is slighteringly slow, very expensive. Courts in real life are not so decorated as shown in movies and Jails are not so comfortable as shown in movies.


So better do not think of further provocation. Life is much more than ego.





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