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Ranjan (Manager)     28 January 2014

498a,506,125 notice issued

Dear All,

Would like to state I have been Trapped into the 498A,506......and in 125 for maintenance in indivisual case. Both case was filed in 2012 and after mutual compormise in written by me and wife we have submitted into court and she start staying with me . She stayed upto 15 month contineouasly and went back to her father home around six month back. And again she re-opened the both case .

In 125 she asked around 30,000 per month for her survival , still the matter is in hearing.

In 498A the cognijance has completed and waiting for the Notice by court. Till date i have not received any notice by court in both case.

After Notice i need to proceed for antisepetory bail , can i get the same , or pl help me to know the way out.

My wife is a Doctor(not doing practice) and staying with her parent and both (parent)are Govt Employee. We have a kid also and staying with her.

I have tried a lots to same this marriage but due to her stubbern and rigid nature the life has become hell. Now i have decided to fight coz i have lost my complete faith on her. She doesnt need husband she is greedy for money only.


 4 Replies

Avadhesh Paliwal (advocate)     28 January 2014

yes you can get  AB  after get noticed

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     29 January 2014

Dear Querist when the charge has been framed then there is no procedure for AB. contact a lawyer personally, it will be better

Ranjan (Manager)     29 January 2014

Dear Nadeem Thanks first,

In cognijance none of the person from my end has been called by court. The court has called only the people from my wife family and relative and recorded their statement .

Today i came to know that the court has issue the notice for three  person (me and my parents) and removed the name of another 11 person(by brother and relative) as found not related with this case .Now my lawyer will proceed for AB to higher court .

Am i going in right direction or need to have some more step ...Pl guide.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     29 January 2014

It seems that 498a/ 406 is filed as a complaint case and you are waiting for summons, in which case, AB would be applicable in all states except UP (UP also there is some suspense w.r.t. the AB in HIGH COURT).


Shonee Kapoor
Handphone: +91-8010850498

If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you LOST.
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