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Physically challenged recruit's choice of posting

A physically challenged person ( 70% disability. Both the hip joints replaced with arficial hip joints) has been selected to join as a PSU bank clerk. he is severly constrained to make long journeys specially  by public transport.  He is shortly to be intimated about his branch of joining. Is there any policy or Court judgements, which gives him an option to request for a branch, which is convenient to him?


 3 Replies

adv.raghavan (Advocate,9444674980)     15 August 2013

 it can be done please refer sec 47(1) of PERSONS WITH DISABILITES ACT 1995. you can make use of this section  to some extent to get the maximum for the physically challenged person.

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NGOKC (pm)     15 August 2013

wait to get  a chance , psus are very considerate towards disabled employees .

A normal rrequest to HR will do , don't need to complicate by involving laws

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Kumar Doab (FIN)     15 August 2013


The guidelines issued in this context are attached.

The PSU should have maintained its policy and rules for posting and transfer both on its web site.

The Employee’s union keeps such record on its website.

Al India bank Employee’s union would also have such record on its website.


“Earlier the Government had issued instructions vide letter No. 302/33/2/87-SCT(B) dated 31st August, 1987 that BSRBs should endeavour as far as possible to allot the selected physically

handicapped candidates to banks having branches located in or near their home town or village.”



Attached File : 520785820 transfer related ciculars jpeg image.jpg, 520785820 ttansferrelatedcirculars.docx downloaded: 168 times
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