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Sreekanth (Music Teacher)     07 August 2013

Transferon spouse ground

Sir,  my self and my are employees(teachers) in Navodaya vidyalaya samiti. I am working in Jawahar navodaya Vidyalaya Wayanad, Kerala as music teacher while my wife is TGT English at JNV Kurnool, Andrapradesh. Since the post of TGT english is vacant in myschool my wife applied for transfer to Wayanad. But now NVS telling that the mandatory period of a fresh recruty is 10 ten years. We have two small children also and the family is separated. My aged parents are not able to look after my childrenand there is nobody to accompany my wife at andhara. since ours is a residential institution we have 24 hrs duty also. I would like to knowthat what is my wife's right to get a transfer.


 2 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     09 August 2013

you can seek favour of authorities. there is no vested right.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     09 August 2013


Mr. Sudhir Kumar has given valuable advice. Kindly follow it.

The superiors and authorities may be pleased to grant you relief and favor.

You may download the latest version of rules and go thru it and assess how strong would be your cae if you rely and impress upon rules only.




(b) Transfer/posting to a choice place/desired station shall not be claimed

as a matter of right. Some crucial determinants for such transfers

are as under:


iv) Factors such as: due for retirement, medical problems faced

by an employee or family members, spouse working at a

station etc.


4. TENURE: 2. PGT/TGT/Misc. Teachers : 



 10 years (03 years in case of hard and North East Region, 02 years for very hard & difficult station)

Attached File : 525371383 transfer policy.pdf downloaded: 133 times
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