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Narbir Singh (Claim Associates)     06 August 2013

Need help_very urgent


Hope you are doing well.


I need your help regarding getting divorce from my wife.


1.     I am working professional with a private company and want to take divorce from my wife, It is 6yrs of our marriage and from last couple of years I am facing lots of problems from my family and wife, my family (parents) are with her and couple of times she complained against me for harassment, and beaten but I did not do anything my father is govt. employee and many of police men knows him so he use to bribe them and she easily do it against me. She warns me to kill me by his brother or call to 1091 (WHL) and get me into the jail. And not only this she used to said me that I’ll complaint in your company and make you unemployed.

2.    Currently I am in relationship with some other girl and want to get married with her now, so I told my wife to get the divorced but she denied and said neither I will give you divorce and nor let you get it. I am ready to give maintenance to her but now I cannot live with her.


Please help me get the divorce or help me suggest the best way to take divorce.


 8 Replies

kay blue (kayblue)     06 August 2013

1. continue living with her and forget new girl, you wont get divorce as your own parents will give evidences against you and bear till u die. i suggest to spend more months with new girl and see if u can live with her or not. Infatuation vs love vs practical life is a lot different

2. goto some other country/city and get married and start living fresh but high chances of jail in this if you are found as its a crime

Narbir Singh (Claim Associates)     06 August 2013

Thanks Kay, for your suggestion.... but there should be some way out of this, as she use to abuse and being male is not crime to bear this kind of thing... i would appreciate if you could suggest a best way to come out of this.

498A__misused (Sec)     06 August 2013

Just file divorce against your wife (you lawyer he will guide you how)

Let it run for 4-5 in lower court then 1-2 years in high court and supreme court , anyways you are ready to pay maintenance .dont worry even if your parents are not with you.Let her put any false case against you (498A or DV ) , dont worry about them one will punish you unless you did some crime.


Now don't go for 2nd  marriage , Just move to some different place and stat live-in with your G.F(But take this step only if you are sure that your GF is non abusive.)


But never ignore your kids from your 1st wife.


Originally posted by : Narbir Singh

Thanks Kay, for your suggestion.... but there should be some way out of this, as she use to abuse and being male is not crime to bear this kind of thing... i would appreciate if you could suggest a best way to come out of this.

Lure her with money.

kay blue (kayblue)     06 August 2013

No need for Luring with money, Divorce Lawyer is giving bad suggestions.

Understand one thing, your parents are against you Narbir, she is against you. You are with other woman, probably your parents know about that girl and thats why they are against you. Apparently, your wife might be knowing as well. You have not stated what you do and what she do and how muhc you and wife is earning and you have kids or not. that information might help more to tell you if u can file divorce or not


If you file divorce , there are 2 options from girl side

1. She will file 498a , DV, Maintenance, Fraud and Conspiracy case and Divorce too. She will get support in every case from court and your parents too. Most Likely you will loose case. Even if you dont loose, be prepared for heavy expenses in court and case to get solved in not less then 4-5 years

2. She will file Section 9 stating she want to live with you and his parents also have no problem and in first 2-3 hearings court will bound you.


Best options for you mate are :-

1. Settle in another city and forget everyone for 1-2 years and live with your girl and after 1-2 years , file case for divorce with a good lawyer, that might let you win case since you both are living separetly for years and on desertion

2. dont file case, like i said earlier, go in any other city country and start new life and forget you were married even anyday.

3. talk to your parents why they are against you

4. try to resolve everything with your wife only, sometime short love seems to be better then real love

kay blue (kayblue)     06 August 2013

Dude you have to understand, its not so easy

I am battling in court from last 2 years, and my case is back to square one even after first motion mutual divorce and paying 50% amount 30 Lakhs, girl denied second motion and now asking 90 lakhs more

yours is not even started and your parents are against you




Dear Querist,

Who told you to live with her,if you don't wish then live seperate,No body is going to force you even No law is there which will make you to cohabit with her against your wish.Since HMA can't be overuled by constitutional law but the articles laid down in constitution of India for fundamental rights i.e Right to life,Right to liberty  & peace,Right to Freedom & speach,Right against exploitation can't be overuled and avoided.So,Do what you want but never go against the duty of a husband and never remarry the second lady without divorcing first one. Give her monthly maintenanace in her A/c and get seperated from her.Let her take further actions why you are in hurry to get trapped in false cases.

See a woman with reluctant thoughts like neither I will live nor let you to live is " A curse for being human". So,my brother be good anticipator for your own life. Never finanace any war against yourself a very well said by a Men's Right activist.

If she files RCR ---let her make you expartee,no problem


If she files 125 crpc-----let her claim that you have not maintained her,she will be caught as you are depositing money in her account every month.


If she files 498a & dv cases-----Let her proof that you are real dowry seeker and wife beater.(tell her that now after filing false case against me even made me more reluctant against you,now at any cost Iam not going to live with you)

Being a male is not a crime but being a slave is double crime..........


Thanks & regards,

A sufferer.....

2 Like

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     06 August 2013

The grounds are not sufficient for divorce. I would advise you not to file on false grounds.



Shonee Kapoor


If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you LOST.
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