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Women Cheat more than man

I was watching new spisode of emotional atyachaar, and got really  shocked. . The suspect - a girl - was caught dating not one, not two but FOUR men at the same time??? PHEW! She was even dating his boyfriend's best friend.. disgusting!!!

It's clear than women are bigger cheaters in a relationship.


 8 Replies

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     15 June 2011

Exceptions do not form any Rule.

1 Like

priya (student)     15 June 2011

lukng at no. of replies n views of the post i needn;t say anything further.

instead of posting here you can do something about it and helping the society as a whole by passing info to people that can take care of it.

gaury..fight to win (Education)     15 June 2011

don't make assuption based on a TV programme.

world is different than shown in the IDIOT BOX

Saurabh..V (Law Consultant)     15 June 2011

World is quiet adhering to what is shown by the IDIOT BOX. That is how a 3yr old is as vigil and knowlegeable as we were at 7. This 3yr old only grows as a woman or a man and creates society.


However, TV also telecasts many topics which woudl yield TRP .. So certainly they cannot be solely relied upon. Especially this "Emotional Atyachaar". Personally I feel its just an expertly stage-managed show and on the name of reality they are fooling around and earning TRP.




Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     15 June 2011


"Society gives ideas and it is dramatized through such reality shows but then there is a idea that made them act as per demand of certain segment of tv viewers"

Saurabh and etc. do you agree to above quote? 

If yes then why pass the buck to TRP solely as if emerging Indian cities teens and youths are all cows and temple worshipers. In society examples are there but in hush hush tone and it is not that we youths in India are claiming to be 100% puritans and say this gender is more pure than other gender which is not possible to fix.  

Indians are bazigar in following double standards; one for their homes and other for club circuits and when such illustrations in whichever fashion is shown to you then you say I am the most puritan among all and all these are dramatics. 

[You = generic here]


TV shows man biting dogs, because if they show dogs biting man, it is very usual and does not boost TRPs. Therefore, unusual, absurd always makes TV news.

Johndel Clay (Account Officer)     22 June 2011

Originally posted by :Onlytruth

I was watching new spisode of emotional atyachaar, and got really  shocked. . The suspect - a girl - was caught dating not one, not two but FOUR men at the same time??? PHEW! She was even dating his boyfriend's best friend.. disgusting!!!

It's clear than women are bigger cheaters in a relationship.

Not really, it depends on the person actually.

Amit Parmar (Junior Lawyer)     23 June 2011

Mr. Johndel Clay

             First of all dear  It was an episode. we are living in a country where women is regarded as a holy, spiritual and number of women is being wordships as a mother godess. As number of male are also involved in a Serious offences shameful to the society . So we should not blame on any Gender .....

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