American politician, Serving as Senator from the State of Texas
#21 in Politics today

As of 2024, Senator Tex Cruz has a net worth of $40 Million US Dollars as of 2024. As a United States Senator, Cruz earns a $210,000 salary annually.
However, he has more sources of revenue such as real estate investments, business ventures, and lobbying. Cruz is only half as rich as Chuck Schumer, but has more wealth than AOC.
Ted Cruz Net Worth 2024
Net Worth | $40 Million |
Salary | $210,000 |
Annual Income | $5 Million |
Inheritance | $750,000 |
Luxury Watches | 10+ |
Monthly Spends | $200,000 |
Taxes Paid | $29,000 |
Growth in Wealth
Before becoming the Texas Solicitor General in 2003, Ted Cruz was working as a Lawyer in a private firm.
During that period, Cruz’s net worth was just under $2 Million. During his 5-year term as Solicitor General, his net worth has increased to $6 Million.
When Cruz joined politics in 2012 to run for a Texas Senate seat, he had a net worth of $10 Million.
The Time Magazine reported that Ted Cruz has violated many ethical rules during this term. For example, he helped a famous Radio Host secure environmental clearances in return for campaign donations.
Transactions with Goldman Sachs
Through lobbying for many banks on Wall Street, Ted Cruz has indirectly benefitted to the tune of over $10 Million.
As unearthed by the New York Times, Goldman Sachs has provided a $7 million loan to Ted Cruz and his wife, for just 1.5% interest. This loan was never repaid and the bank has written it off their books without any effort to recover it.
House Properties
Cruz owns six real estate properties across Texas, valued at over $9 Million. Half of these properties were snapped by Cruz at a throwaway price, during a government auction.
For example, a house in Barton Hills, Austin, that is valued at over $2 Million has been auctioned off to Ted Cruz for just $30,000.
Career as Senator
In 2011, Cruz announced his candidacy for the United States Senate seat representing Texas. He competed in the Republican primary against the incumbent Republican senator, David Dewhurst, and emerged as the winner.
In the general election, Cruz faced Democratic candidate Paul Sadler and secured a decisive victory, becoming the first Hispanic senator from Texas.