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Ad Amjad Ali (Advocate )     21 July 2011

How to file suit for defamation

The Man A married second time on death of first wife.He had one daughter form first wife and six children from second wife .Besides, A had three sisters. A dead in1982 leaving seven children . In land agriculture record after his dead all seven children names included automatically in 1984.

Around 2007, A's son in law his after daughter death filed a suit for claim in A property and alleged that the three  younger daughters of A are illegal .

similarly .in another suit, A's sister daughter(agaisnt her nana property )  claimed for mother property and filed a suit , morover she had also charged that the three daughters are illegal and they should be not included in property share

Mothers of daughter of A is alive and his only son is also survived , Can the girls who have been called in illegal in file suit claim for defamation as well as her mother and brother form father side can suit defamation suit against them

Morover , three daughter had not claimed for property and left for their brother ,it means three girs have no relation with suit

Please guide us


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