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Prasad   11 November 2020

Eviction from my property

My mother had settled her property house to me and my sister and my father lives in that house. my father and mother no longer together even though they are not legally separated We want to sell the property but he is not willing and letting anyone to see property for selling. he also gave public notice that he bought the property and constructed house using his money which is not true and we have iT returns and bank account books to prove. Now we want to evict him from that property and would like to know easy/quick way to do it. can we get injuction order that he is trespassing on our property. please provide some valid suggestion to get property back so we can sell it. We also thinking he might create fake agreement document saying the property leased out.


 1 Replies

Adv Vinay Mathur + 8447131770 (Advocate)     12 November 2020

File injection that will be better seeking relief from the court to direct the licensee to vacate the premises.

You must act promptly to flie injunction. but first send a notice in writing for termination of license. and asking to vacate the premises.

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