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ayesha   01 March 2017

For school logo must be registered

Hi friends,

How can the school owner can own the logo of his school designed for his school, as it does not come under Trade Mark as the school is under the instution .

What is the registration process and period . please answer my query

thank you 



 4 Replies

Ailsa Sarah   02 March 2017

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alex andra0   27 April 2017

A typical day, you're always on the time that you receive. You must have click essay your parents with you, because you are under 18. You will fill out the forms, the producer ultimately use permit your name and you are in the film. Then sit and wait. Then some film and sit and wait. It goes on like this all day.

Kapil Gupta (Advocate)     25 February 2018

Dear client, you can make your school's mark registered without any problem. All you need, is a Trademark Attorney and he/she will apply for the registration. For more help, you can contact me on my E-mail id or my mobile. Thank you.

                                                                                                                                                         Kapil Gupta

                                                                                                                                                  Trademark Attorney

peterkate   04 November 2019

Best Genogram maker apps

Genogram – a word which means so much.   Because this word means a display of a person’s family history and the relationships

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