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Shehbaz H Naqvi (AP)     06 May 2015

Cheating case


I had given one room set to a family in my house in year 2005. Due to some reasons no rent/lease agreement was made with him. The room is situated at first floor. The first floor also have three other rooms, one kitchen, one tiolet/bathroom which have our possesion. we live at gorund floor which has three rooms, one kitchen, one tiolet/bathroom. THe second floor has one room set and thie two is in our posesion. In year 2009 when i asked the tenant to vacate my house since i have to rebuild it. He requested to wait for some time as he will sell his house in village and buy a flat in Delhi. This excuse goes on till year 2012, when he sunddleny said I need to give him Rs 15 lakhs to vacate the room. We try to persuade him but he insisted on his demand. In this january we thought of selling it. Then he told me that he has papers of first floor and has shown to different peoples. These peoples are reliable persons and can be trusted. Interestigly he show my sign as if i had sold it to him. A Cheating Case, Indeed.  Now he cliams the ownership of first floor.

PLEASE reply what process we can apply for vacating him from our property. General time taken to resovle the dispute in court, etc


 2 Replies

saravanan s (legal advisor)     06 May 2015

with all the original deed that you have in your posession that substanciates your ownership over the property file a declaration suit and also obtain a stay over him from proceeding with the sale of the property

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     07 May 2015

go to thana

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