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Jagjit Singh   01 October 2020

type of ownership and survivors

as a result of Intestate succession my father has 1/3 right to her house of her late wife,if my father dies will his share end or will devolve upon his hiers.i am his 2 nd wife's only son


 5 Replies

Advocate Bhartesh goyal (advocate)     01 October 2020

Yes,after sad demise of your father, his 1/3 share  in property will further divide  among his legal heirs

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     02 October 2020

Sardarji, please adhere to one post and state facts in that post and do not change relationships and facts from post to post.    Contact a local advocate with such facts as you are not coming with actual facts and you may be having difficulty in disclosing the same.  As per this post, your father is entitled to 1/3share of his first wife's property, and it is not clear as to status (Whether it is a right or entitlement or it has come to his enjoyment and possession already) and the class 1 legal heirs of your father's first wife, etc.

P. Venu (Advocate)     02 October 2020

This is your second posting. But facts are improved, but still confused.

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     02 October 2020

To get an idea, all the 5+ posts require conjoint reading wherein the second wife's son (queriest)  wishes to get his father's share ( inherited first wife's property) together with other children through the first wife. (deceased  Step mother's property as the legal heir of her husband who is his father)

P. Venu (Advocate)     04 October 2020

The author has posted number queries on the same subject matter, with facts tweaked to suit his convenience.

The essential facts, as I could gather, pertains to property pertains to the property standing in the name of his father's late first wife. Now, it appears that the married daughter of the first wife (the author's step-sister)  has filed a partition suit claiming her share in the said property.

The author is the son of the second wife. It appears that the author is in a hurry to deny the property to his step-sister or at least to have a part of the property in his name. It is in this context that he has posted many a query in all the conceivable permutations and combinations. He also claims that the property, though in his step-mother's name, had been purchased by the funds provided by his father.

Any meaningful suggestion to each of this query requires that the author should provide the information sought in each case. But he is keeping willfully silent.  

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