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manindersingh   19 July 2016

Witnesses & evidences in domestic violence

Hi experts

My wife filed domestic vioelnce case on me and my parents.

She in her pwdva petition not mentioned any name of any person or any date/time of any incident but reffered as ...after few days this happned after few days that happned.

Moreover her domestic violence incident report is also has heading of "Verbal & Emotional Abuse only (no physical, s*xual, economical abuse mentioned in heading)

I want to know about the procedure of witnesses,

> Can I cease/stop her from producing any wintenss (human being/person) whose name or relation she has not mentioned in her petition. Can I object on any such person whose details are not mentioned in the petition.

> How she will use evidence/witness to prove false verbl & emotional abuse in court ? 


Please help.


 3 Replies

Khush   20 July 2016

Well contest the case on merit. If she hasnot given any name, she will not produce false persons in court. If she produces, during cross that ploy will fail.

Khush   20 July 2016

Well contest the case on merit. If she hasnot given any name, she will not produce false persons in court. If she produces, during cross that ploy will fail.

P. Venu (Advocate)     20 July 2016

Let her produce witnesses at her choice. But ensure that any deposition does not travel beyond the pleadings.

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