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Dhrumin   13 April 2019

Rent Receipt

Hello Experts,
We have a house in Mumbai which is a trust building(Pagdi). My grandfather died quite long back and after some years we changed the rent receipt to dad name by taking the NOC of grandfather's brother as rent and maintenance everything of the said premises is paid by my dad over the years.

the Query is the NOC and the transmission documents are with the trusty and not with us. He says according to rule the documents stay with them.
now we don't have any proof with us except the rent receipts.
Does the NOC and transmission Document stays with them or with us?
Please Help


 3 Replies

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     14 April 2019

You can get a certified copy from them and your request can not be denied.   They will provide you such certified copy stating original is in their custody.  You are entitled to get certified copies of all documents available with them with such covering letter from the Trust.  Make a request.

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Kishor Mehta (CEO)     14 April 2019

According to the Maharashtra Rent Act 1999, rent receipt is proof enough of your tenancy rights. The original documents of the transfer remains with the owner, you may request for copies.
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Dhrumin   17 April 2019

Thank You for your Support

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