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Deepak kumar   20 October 2016

Fake salary slip

I submitted a fake salary slip to my new company in which I mentioned increased amount. But they sent enquiry to my previous company and also got a reply that I had fabricated it and also the original salary slip was attached for reference. Hence everybody became aware of my doing but somehow they decided not to take any action against me. It has been more than 4 months of this matter but I still live in fear. Can my employer or my previous employer use it to blackmail me or take action against me in future?


 3 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     20 October 2016

Don't commit such blunder in future, and again.

The employer can act on such misconduct and resort to termination.

If you have apprehensions, firm up your next venture and try to get clean relieving.



Karma karma karma. Karma.

Deepak kumar   22 October 2016

Dear Sir, what I have written in the previous post is just one piece of a story. Actually my previous employer has withheld my original documents and also three months salary. I also had to fabricate my salary slip because they hadn't provided that as well in my last five months. It was a month of annual increment when I resigned so I mentioned the amount which I was about to get after the increment. Anyway I admit that that was a felony. I also have faced the consequences and the matter is settled in my current company. But the problem is with the previous employer. They are asking for a sum, which is not easy for me to pay, to release my documents. So I was thinking to challenge them legally. That's why I asked if they can fire back with the salary slip issue. Please guide me. Thank you for your valuable reply.

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