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Neeraj Jha   01 March 2018 at 17:40

Mnc fired on name of resign

Dear experts,

I had been working in an American MNC for 6 years, and each year I got good increment and compliments on the performance but suddenly company told me to resign but I denied. Then company created pressure on me but still I denied to resign and told to fire me if company does not retain me. I was on company role and I had a valid PAN account and PF account.

But after 15 days they took my access card and given me full and final documents and told that you are fired.

but I got a information through a friend in HR, he said that company did not fire you on record but they fraudly steel my signature and created a forged resignation letter.

So like this company did cheat with me.

Now, no dues of PF amount is pending.

Can I do anything against this fraud????

Please help