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Trade Union Act

(Querist) 24 September 2009 This query is : Resolved 
I understood that the Trade Union Amendment Act 1947 which had the provision for compulsory recognisation of trade union has not come into force. tThe trade Union havinf majority of the employees as their member got recognised by a PSU under the provisions of code of Discipline in Industries. As per the bye law of the daid Union the election of Office bearer is to be conducted once in two years. Once the election is conducted the new body of the Union used to register the same under the provision of UP Trade Union Act by submitting the Form J. Thereafter they used to request the management for recognistion and management used to recognise them for all bilateral discussion for a period of two years.What the management should do if on expiry of the said two years the Union is not conducting the Election.It is worth to mention that in the same Union there is another group which demand for election. It is a manufacturing unit and management certainly does not want any scene of Industrial Relations which have an effect on the production, Kindly enlight.riven
Adinath@Avinash Patil (Expert) 24 September 2009
Send notice to registrar of trade union to appoint one officials to hold election free & fair.riven
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Expert) 25 September 2009
yes send notise to ragistrar,and also union comeetee's precident.

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