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Plead & act

Guest (Querist) 11 September 2009 This query is : Resolved 
What is the distinction between pleading and acting ? Attorney pleading only and Attorney acting & pleading?riven
J K Agrawal (Expert) 12 September 2009
In past, advocates were only attorney which means they were entitle to suggest law applicable on a case but they were not having power to move an petition or application in a Court. For this purpose the party himself has to come at Court to sign pleadings and they themselves only were entitle to present the same.

Later on this task was handed over to some persons like munshees or some people generally go to the Courts and people used to assign power of attorney to them empowering them signing the pleading and represent them in court. they were called pleaders.

Later on the attorney start to take job of pleader.

Now an advocate includes attorney and pleader.riven
Guest (Querist) 12 September 2009
thanks a lotriven
tarun goyal (Expert) 04 October 2009
a great information for a lawyer sir. thanx.

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