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gift deed

(Querist) 11 July 2009 This query is : Resolved 
can a unconditional gift deed be revoked unilaterally in andhra pradesh and can the registrar register the property even after the matter has been filed in the court.
A V Vishal (Expert) 11 July 2009
No once the gift is accepted it cannot be revoked more so in case of an unconditional gift deed. The registrar can register the property.
n.k.sarin (Expert) 11 July 2009
I do agree with Mr. Vishal
PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 11 July 2009
If the court has not granted any stay, the Registrar can not refuse to register the gift. The registration would be of course subject to decision of the Court.
Uma parameswaran (Expert) 11 July 2009
Gift is irrevocable.The registration shall be depends upon the subject matter of the pending suit.
koteswararao (Querist) 12 July 2009
what is my next step if the registrar registers the property(unconditional gift deed). pls advise.

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