It is understood that PF cannot be recovered from Leave Encashment.
I want to know the effective date of amendment in the said act.
It is observed that the E.P.F.Organisations are not fully following the EPS 95 Pension norms while calculating member pension.As per FAQ NO:15 on "website" & EPS95 Law BOOK past service pension nd past service benefits uner FPS1971 are to be prepared as per age on 16-11-95 and pension slab RS;800/p.m for below 48 yrs nd Rs600/ for those between 48-52 yrs on 16-11-95 nd Rs500/p.m for24 years past service for those above 53 yrs old.And minimum under eps95 Rs335/p.m nd
nd Rs265/p.m under EFPS1971 making Rs600/p.m minimumm pension to be given for an epf pensioner having more than 10 yrs P.F membership is there n worked under both EPS95 &EFPS71.But EPFO not giving it.How we will get Justice /where to apply for getting pension as per EPS95 pension norms? Pl inform by E mail to me.. A.Chandran.,member
It is observed that the E.P.F.Organisations are not fully following the EPS 95 Pension norms while calculating member pension.As per EAQ NO:15 past service pension nd past service benefits uner FPS1971 are to be prepared as per age on 16-11-95 and pension slab RS;800/p.m for below 48 yrs nd Rs600/ for those between 48-52 yrs on 16-11-95 nd Rs500/p.m for24 years past service for those above 53 yrs old.And minimum under eps95 Rs335/p.m nd
nd Rs265/p.m under EFPS1971 making Rs600/p.m minimumm pension to be given for an epf pensioner having more than 10 yrs P.F membership is there n worked under both EPS95 &EFPS71.But EPFO not giving it.How we will get Justice /where to apply for getting pension as per EPS95 pension norms? Pl inform by E mail to me.. A.Chandran.,member
Dear All,
As per my knowledge, we are suppose to maintain the employee personal files and other HRD records for the last eight years.
Am i correct?
Which law governs this?
Kindly advise.
Rupali Ghawri
Further to my last query, under which section it is mentioned that employee getting more than 6500 has an option for EPF
Is it necessary on the part of employee to allow any deduction under PF act.
Recently I have joined a company and there are some employees earning 25000/- per month and no deduction has been made in respect of EPF.
Upon asking, I am told that they did'nt opt for that.
Is it depends on employees discretion.
Respected Sir,
May I kindly be clarified that whether any edible
oils, viz., palmolein, groundnut, coconut, sunflower
etc., will be permitted to use in commercial chemical
formulations as ingradients? or Any restrictions /
regulations are available to stop the usage of edible
oils in non-food industrial applications, inorder to
conserve our natural and national resources for edible
oil availability to present and future man kind needs. I want to know about usage restrictions of edible oils in commercial sector. Or Whether any special approvals / exemptions are permitted.
An early reply is highly solicited.
With Regards
Dr. JP Shyamasundar, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dear All,
Is it necessary for an employee to get insured even if he/she is getting benefits as family member of his/her parents as they are anyway registered under ESIC?
Abhimanyu Soni
TDS on salary
I'm software professional woring in software company. My salary includes basic+hra+conveyance+medical allowance+special pay+band allownace and deducation includes professional tax (Rs 200)+PF+Income tax. Of course, I'll get salary after these deduction.
I would like to know how to calcuate tax on monthly salary for cross verification? WOuld be great if you can provide me excel file/software which take information to generate tax?