In the undermentioned reply I could not understand whether the information is provided or rejected. The only difference in rejection is that the PIO has not mentioned word Rejected. I hope that PIO has refused to give information to the appellant on a baseless ground rejecting each and every point.
I received the following reply from PIO of Dena Bank. Kindly look in to the matter.
1. DATE OF APPLICATION: JULY 31, 2009 SIGNED & POSTED ON 1/8/09. Forwarded on 03/08/09 by Supdt. Post offices, Kapurthala. Would have been delivered on 4th or at the maximum on 6th of Aug at Panchkula.
2. Not got reply from PIO the First appeal sent to FAA on 7/9/09. Which has been forwarded by Post Master vide his acknowledgement letter that the same has been posted on 8/9/09 which has been delivered to the PIO and FAA both at their respective addresses on 9th or maximum by 10th of September.
3. I received the under-mentioned reply by PIO today on 15th Sep vide Courier service. The date mentioned on the letter is 12/09/09 but no date has been marked by courier service.
4. Kindly suggest what should I do now.
Rajneesh Madhok
Dena Bank
North *******
Dear Sir,
Ref: Information sought by you under RTI Act 2005,
We refer your letter dated July 31, 2009 received at our Pan Regional office on 12.08.09 in the caption matter. We are furnishing parawise information as required by you.
1. Kindly provide me the policies of Dena Bank regarding TDS deduction from its Fixed Deposit account holders in the following turne.
a.On which date the interest on Fixed deposits had been credited to account holders of Dena Bank in the session 2008-09.
Ans: Normally the interest is credited on quarterly bais or as per the mandate of the customer.
b.On which date the TDS has been deducted on the Fixed deposits account holders of Dena Bank in the session 2008-09.[/size]
Ans. The TDS is deducted at the time of making payment or provision of the interest.
c.Kindly provide the name, address and telephone number of the offfcials who manage the software installed at Dena Bank Phagwara.
Ans: Bank is functioning through its employee under designation and not by their names. Hence the information sought by you can not be provided.
d.Kindly provide me the information that how many account holders of Dena Bank had been credited with the interest twice in the session of 2008-09.
Ans: The information sought by you disproportionately divert the resources of the Bank and hence exempted u/s 7(9) of the RTI Act 05.
e.Kindly provide me the amount of TDS deducted twice from the Fixed deposit account holders of Dena bank due to system’s fault and the amount such deducted had been deposited in Income Tax department.
Ans: The information sought by you disproportionately divert the resources of the Bank and hence exempted u/s 7(9) of the RTI Act 05
f.Kindly provide the policies of the bank under which it has been mentioned that wrong deduction of TDS should be claimed by the customers themselves.
Ans: Excess amount paid as tax is to be claimed from Income Tax Department by filing IT Return.
g.Kindly provide me the information that how much customers have been affected with the wrong calculations of Dena bank and how much amount had been wrongly deducted by Dena bank from its customers.
Ans: The information sought by you disproportionately divert the resources of the bank and hence exempted u/s 7(9) of the RTI Act 05.
h.Kindly provide the action taken on the officials on whose negligence the said software had been installed. As it is CBS system fault it means lakhs of customers had been affected with the wrong calculations of interest. What action has been taken by Dena Bank for the negligence of the Bank officials.
Ans: As per RTI Act, 05, Public Information officer is not obliged to answer queries.
2.Dena bank is bound to disclose the procedure and system failure. Kindly provide me the recovery procedure of the curiven
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1) Can this action of State be challenged on the ground of arbitrariness? If so, by what proceedings?
2) Whether a preliminary objection in the SLP can be raised that, the State can not arbitrarily deny benefit of judgment to petitioners in only one case whereas, other similarly situated petitioners in other petition are being allowed to enjoy the fruits of judgment and therefore the SLP is not maintainable?
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