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Rajesh   26 March 2008 at 20:21

release from a forced marriage

a girl is married forcefully to someone. she is not allowed to go outside the in laws, as she wants to marry some one else. its been 11 months. how can she be lawfully be released from this marriage? kindly help

satish verma   26 March 2008 at 19:57

Maintenance of child.

A man marries a lady whose husband has died. There starts problem with them. Now lady files maintenance claim against husband and her daughter who was born out of consummation of marriage with erstwhile husband.
Whether the daughter from first husband is entitled for maintenasnce u/s 125 cr. p. c from the person who is not her father.

Gururja Rao   26 March 2008 at 18:43

who is liable? is it my vendors or builder or original owners

Hi all,
One of my friend has purchased two mulgies constructed in cellar portion in an residential complex having cellar + 3 upper floors situated at Hyderabad from its lawful owner in the year 2004, and continuing business peace fully.The Important point here is that the builder seems to have not obtained sanction for construction of mulgies in cellar portion and the same are un authorised one . Originally construction was compleated in the year 1992 it self, and thereafter the aforesaid two mulgies changed two hands earliar by registerd saled deeds and my friend is the 3rd purchaser.While matter stood thus two years back M.C.H authorites has issued a notice to my friend to dismantle the mulgies in cellar portion as they are construted in utter violation of M.C.H rules, however the M.C.H has not taken any action so far. Now a days even civil courts are also not granting Injunction orders against the M.C.H, if any civil suit filed for Injunction also no purpose is going to be served on my friend. Recently Andhrapradesh govt passed G.O's inviting application to regularise un authorised construction, and when my friend applied for the same the M.C.H authorities refused to accept the application on the ground that they are not regularising the un authorised constructions made in cellar portions of residential complexes, in such circumstances can my friend approach consumer forum for damages against the builder, original owners, and his vendors for claiming damages under Indemnity clause referred in the sale deed or if any alternative remedy is available kindly advise me as there is no much time left to my friend and at any time the M.C.H authorities may dismantle his mulgies in cellar portion.its very very very urgent.
Note : I have gone through the original sanctioned plan, and I found that the permission is accorded for construcion of cellar + 3 upper floors only, even in the plan the mulgies were not shown.

Veena   26 March 2008 at 16:38

Legal Right of Daughter

I would like to know if there is website or Reference to study about the latest Law for the Legal Rights of Daughter in the Father's property. If there is any such information Please let me know.

Sachin   26 March 2008 at 13:00

False case of Criminal Intimidation.

What should be done if some one files a false case of criminal intimidation?

Usha Avinash   26 March 2008 at 11:04

Discontinuing Essential Services

Dear Sir/Madam,

Which is the Law/Act that states that discontinuing essential services (water/electricity by builder or Resident Welfare Association) to an individual is violation of civil rights? We get unjustified maintenance bills & when questioned, the Association threatens to disconnect water.

If I choose to proceed legally, what will be the approximate time/expense I will have to bear before I get justice? Pl. advise.

Usha Avinash

Mohit chawla   25 March 2008 at 22:16


I'm a 2nd semester student of G.N.D university. I secured 3rd position in the university in 1 semester.

My prime aim of life is to become a JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE. but i'm really raw for this field. Please guide me the best way.

a. when to start my practice as trainee in court?
b. From where i can get study material
c. Is there necessity of coaching?
d. Any other relevant information for me; being a fresher of this field.

Member (Account Deleted)   25 March 2008 at 19:06

Personal Loan

My client has borrowed a huge sum of money from many persons by issuing receipts on plain paper. Now he is not able to pay either the interest or the principal to any of the creditors. Is he legally safe in not returning the money to his various creditors in case any or all of them sue a case against him?

Sumit Deb   25 March 2008 at 15:56

Cousin Marriage

I am a 30-year-old Bengali Hindu Kayastha man and by profession, a Software Engineer. For the past 7 years, I am having an affair with my cousin sister, and now intend to marry her soon.
She is the only daughter of my father's elder sister. She is now 39 years old, and working in a private organization as an office assistant. To be precise, I am 8 years & 8 months younger to her.

Our custom doesn't allow marriages between cousins.

In view of the above, please let me know :

1. whether I can marry her under Special Marriage Act, 1954,

2. if YES, whether there will be any other legal complication related to our marriage.

3. if NO, which process can be followed for our marriage to be legal & valid.