We are a well-established firm of Chartred Accountatns in Gujarat. We need a consultant in Kolkata for working in hand-to-hand with us for our client's work with Designs and Patent Office in Kolkata.
the doctor of private hospital done the ceasareen and tubetomy operaion on 23.01.2001,(both on same day)
on september 2004, the patient came to know that she is having ectopic pregnancy, went under another operaion, this time operation was done by a government doctor.
consumer complaint was filed in the year 2006, whith in two years from the date of knowledge of failed stirelization. patient has stated that only her husband has given consent for the tubectomy operation, her signatures are not taken for consent form. the docuemnts also reveals the same.
the doctor says,1) the complaint is time barred 2) there is no separate consent form in theyear 2001, only general consent was there at that time.
3) husband consent for the tubectomy is suffiecient as it was a second pregnancy
4) ectopic pregnancy may be due to natural recnalization adn the failure is inherent in the procedure
the case is setdown for argumetns any suggestions? was there seperate form for consent, was husband consent was sufficient?, (and the problem is that not doctor comes before the forum to depose against another doctor)
is there negligence?
Dear Sir,
We have been engaging contract labour in our manufacturing process through licensed contractor for last three years. We do not have any permanent workers on roll except the skilled operators who are ITI passed out. I have been given to understand that the contract workers have formed a union and also got the registration. Could you please clarify the following querries??
1> As we not have any worker on our roll and the workers are hired through the contractor, Can they ask for recognition from the management as we are not the direct employer.Is it legally addmisable under trade union act.
2> Can they place the charter of demands to the management as they are not the directly employed.
Dear sir/madam,
My father purchased a 60x40 plot in Bangalore from a builder in June 2002. It's a agricultural (revenue) land.we have constructed a two storied residential building on 30x40,remaining 30x40 portion vacant and also in possession of it from feb 2004.Two years back we came to know that our builder had acquired this land (approx.1 acre 11 guntas)through an unregistered GPA,valid from June 2002 to Aug 2002 converted land into 30 sites and builded houses and never got the GPA or land registered in his name.In June 2006, original land lords filed the suit against the builder for seling their land to us without getting it registered. The builder is not turning up for court hearings and we fear court may settle case ex-parte.
points in our favour:
1)Original land lords are living in our vicinity and were fully aware of all developements ,moreover one of the land lord had supplied construction materials for all the houses built on disputed land.
2)They filed the suit almost 4 years after we bought these sites, which I think is in contravention of the Law of Limitation.
3)They have also received around 90% of sale consideraion and remaing is outstanding from the builder.
We are about 30 families living on this disputed land and are worried a lot.
Pleasw give your opinion.
Whether Royalty is payable on the soil taken out from the land of Raiyats?
respected sir, thank u for your valubel sugestion regarding the section.sit already given my query regarding my husband on whom the N.B.W is pending he is in custody of my fathher-in-law.my husband is very much availbel in india but father-in-law had given an affadiviti to bar cousil that his son is in u.s.a .he is working over there on behalf of his son he sizned on vakalth nama which is filed for bail of my husband.when polise issued him a letter asking him the address of u.s.a he gave a replay that he had no knowledge of his son.while court granting bail to my father-in-law court had given a direction that he should suppot polise for investigation. but here he is not sopporting polise to exquete the n.b.w. and he is giving two versions.he tried for bail to his son by cheating stating that his is son is in u.s.a. who is very much availabel in india under his custody.sir.i wannt to send a few documents foe your kind persual. on which email id i should send it.since my father-in-law is bvoilating the condition of bail. can i out a bail cancelation?
thanking you,
Hi friends,
Would appreciate if you guys could spare ur time and forward me a list of overesease job consultants. I am an HR professional and looking for opportunities in Singapore, Dubai, Australia etc.
Pls help
Dear Sirs,
I would appreicte if you'all can let me know what are the differences between the folowing Acts listed below:
1. Payement of wages act and minimum wages act.
Kindly respond.
1. If I buy (on spouse name) MF/Bond/ELSS online, how can I claim deduction u/s 80C? How deduction will be calculated? Is it necessary to keep them more than 1yr to claim deduction? Will be complete amt. invested in a year fully exempted even if hold them for 3yr and continue investing? How tax will be calculated on sale?
2. Can I claim medical reimbursement by submitting bills from medical store? Plz elaborate
Stay on the notice by landlord.
My friend is living in a rented house for the past three yrs.
Now his landlord has given him notice to vacant the house in three months after the last agreement finished off.
But due to financial non-availability to rent in at some other place, he don't want to leave the house and want to extend the agreement for another year.
Landlord is not ready to do so.
could he get any kind of legal help on that like to get a stay on the notice.
He has also recently spent a handsome money on white washing of the house as his landlord refused to do so. Can he get any benefit for the money so spent in case he has to leave the house..
..Pls reply earliest.
thanks in advance.......