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Abhimanyu Soni   17 March 2008 at 10:55

Bonus Act.............

My query is:

1. Is bonus is paysble to temporaary as well as permanent employees.

2. How Bonus is calculated

Thanks and regards

Adv. Rishab   17 March 2008 at 09:22

membership of legal assistance forum

sir , i am a 4th year law student....
i want to join the legal assistance forum as a member...
can you please guide me that how can i obtain the membership of that forum..
also tell me the requirements and procedure of getting the membership....

Chintan Mehta   16 March 2008 at 19:23

Need to know the chances of getting divorce

I got married in 2003 (Love Cum Arrange marriage). Its been almost two years now that we are living separately. I only have a younger sister in my family. My so called wife always used to fight with her on small things. She wanted her domination in house. According to her I should have given all the importance only to her & her family members. She always forced me to do things as per her wish. We used to have strong arguments & fights till late nights. I had tried my best to make her understand in every single manner which I could but things didn't work out. Ultimately I decided that we should get a divorce. She is at her parents house since Apr.' 06. She still wants to be back & isn't ready to give divorce. Request you to please give me some valuable advice by which i could come out of this marriage asap.

Chintan Mehta   16 March 2008 at 19:15

Need to know the chances of getting divorce

I got married in 2003 (Love Cum Arrange marriage). Its been almost two years now that we are living separately. I only have a younger sister in my family. My so called wife always used to fight with her on small things. She wanted her domination in house. According to her I should have given all the importance only to her & her family members. She always forced me to do things as per her wish. We used to have strong arguments & fights till late nights. I had tried my best to make her understand in every single manner which I could but things didn't work out. Ultimately I decided that we should get a divorce. She is at her parents house since Apr.' 06. She still wants to be back & isn't ready to give divorce. Request you to please give me some valuable advice by which i could come out of this marriage asap.

paramjeet   15 March 2008 at 22:55

complaint case dowry/496

my case is sent to lok adalat for cmpromise,what will happen there,we file comlaint in court for justice but judge also said for compromiseif possible other wise he said for me to divorce /but i want to give punishment to the accused.
please help in detail.

Nijaguna Murthy G   15 March 2008 at 19:13

A Case registered under P.C. Act-1988

The facts of the case are as under:

Two Deputy Directors (having the same name but initials differs) of a State Govt. Department are working at Two different places in the State. Details are: Their names are A. Ramanna & B. Ramanna respectively.


1)Name : -A. RAMANNA
2)Present Desgn: -Dy. Director
3)Present Place of working: -Bangalore
4)Year of joining into Service: -1992
5)Promoted as Supdt : -1998
6)Promoted as Asst. Director: -2003
7)Promoted & Presently working as DD at-Bangalore since 2007


1)Name : -B. RAMANNA
2)Present Desgn: -Dy. Director
3)Present Place of working: -Gulburga
4)Year of joining into Service: -1996
5)Promoted as Supdt : -1999
6)Promoted as Asst. Director: -2004
7)Promoted & Presently working as DD at-Gulburga since 2007

Both A. Ramanna & B. Ramanna were under the scanner of Lokayukta of the State since 2 to 3 months on suspession of possessig assets disprotionate to known source of income.

On a targetted day the Lokayukta Staff conducts raid on the house belonging to B. Ramanna at Bangalore and finds assets disproportionate to B. Ramanna's actual income.The name & initial of B. Ramanna & the address of his Residential House at Bangalore & details of other properties he owns at various localities of Bangalore are properly mentioned in the Source Information Report & FIR.Residential address in the Search warrant of B. Ramanna, DD, is also correctly recorded.

However office he is presently holding is recorded as "Presently working as DD,Bangalore" instead of DD, Gulburga, both in the Source Report & FIR.(Repeatedly mentioned as such for 6 times in the Source Report & FIR).
Further, the search warant(issued by JMFC, Special Court of Bangalore City)in respect of the office of DD is issued says "B. Ramanna, DD, Bangalore" instead of Gulburga. Further there was no search warrant issued against his office at Gulburga. Lokayukta, after learning the fact during the time of raiding his house at Bangalore realizes that his office is at Gulburga & not at Bangalore & hence returns without raiding the DD office, at Bangalore.The case is under investigation by a Dy.SP of Lokayukta, since 3 months.

Now the queries are:
A)Can B. Ramanna file a petition in the High Court of the State seeking squashing of FIR & further proceedings of Lokayukta, on the ground of MISTAKEN IDENTITY & DENIAL OF NATURE JUSTICE? If so, under what Sec. & Acts?? Are there any decided court Judgements of similar case?? (Pl. furnish details)
B)If the judgement is in favour of B. Ramanna, is there any possibility of Lokayukta to file a fresh FIR and conduct/continue proceedings and prosecute B. Ramanna?
C)Can B. Ramanna plead in the court to prove that it is a case of mistaken identity & instead of proceeding against A. Ramanna, Lokayukta have inadvertantly proceeded against him. Can B. Ramanna produce all the relevant documentary evidences which also clearly establishes that even A. Ramanna is also having Disproportionate Assets than his known source of Income & quntum of Assets of A. Ramanna are more than that B. Ramanna??
Since the issue is sensetive, can any body respond early Pl...???
G.N. Murthy.

Abhimanyu Soni   15 March 2008 at 17:10

Bonus act ...........

Dear Sir/Mam,

I have certain queries regarding Bonus.

1. When Bonus Act gets applicable to any co.

2. What is the remedy if employer doesn't pay Bonus

3. Is bonus is paysble to temporaary as well as permanent employees.

4. How Bonus is calculated

Thanks & regards
Abhimanyu Soni

Abhimanyu Soni   15 March 2008 at 17:03

Salary Structure

I am not sure whether my query falls within the purview of Taxation.

My query is:
Is there any statutory limit to fix Basic Salary or in other words is there any percentage fixed to decide the basic salary.
Can an employer fix any amount for Basic (as Low as possible)

Is DA compolsary to be mentioned in the salary structure.


Abhimanyu Soni

Rumana Naaz   15 March 2008 at 12:26

Working Hours for Employees of IT Industry

Hi Team,

I am new member to this forum.

I have a query regarding working hours defined as per law for IT Industry
I work as a HR Executive in a small IT company based in Hyderabad and the standard working hours in this company is 9hrs including 45min of lunch break and we work 6days a week and only Sunday is a holiday. I have worked in a company before in Bangalore and we had offs on Saturday as well infact most of the Software Companies in Hyderabad as well do not work on Saturdays. I want to know whats the legal working hours assigned by government (specifically for software companies)?

yamini   14 March 2008 at 22:58

central sales tax

c-form for inter-state transaction was missing, transaction took place 2 years back, purchaser mill says it was taken by mediator and has shown proper endorsement for the same, and the mediator says some cock and bull stories that it was taken by us and he promised 4months back,that he will get the duplicate from their state govt and will send to us,what further steps to be taken now in this position.