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Dr C Suresh   01 October 2009 at 17:47


With all the abuse of 498 by women can I make a suggestion and is it possible: Suppose the mother-in-law leaves the house and files a 498a against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-laws family.

Surata Ram   01 October 2009 at 17:03

Police have chargesheeted accused after FR

In a recent case, Police have submitted a chargesheet on 31 March 2009. Now in Septemeber 2009, police is about to submit a chargesheet for more accused in the same case even after FR. (Before this the prosecution lawyer had applied a revision potition for cognizance of additional accused.) The accused have applied for anticipatory bail. hearing is going on. What would be the position of the PP, the Judge, the counsel of the defence and the prosecution. Which provision of the Cr.PC would help whom?
What is the likely decision in the bail?
What may be the bearing on the case and the other accused who were chargesheeted initially? Kindly elucidate. Regards
Surata Ram

BAL KRISHAN GARG   01 October 2009 at 17:01


Dear ALL,
A is my client and doing Jobs of Powder Coated Paints on Geysers / fan blades on the material related to B in the premises of B alongwith his labour.Billing is made on piece rate basis on OK piece on monthly basis i.e. Rs.1.75 per piece for OK piece .
Whether A is come under the provisions of Service Tax under Manpower Recruitment Service for labour supply ?

I believe that it is a job work case and come under Business Auxiliary Services .
Further B is either used those painted goods in his final product or sold otherwise only after payment of Duty .
Whether Notification 8/2005 is apply here.
if yes , how A can be brought under the provision of Ser.Tax ?
Bill is printed as " JOB WORK ONLY "



my e-mail id :

cs   01 October 2009 at 16:57

pan card

hi plz tell me about that how can I apply for pan card of a company which was incorporated in 1991
the problem is that pan has been applied earlier but we are unable to find any details of that

and another problem is that the registered office has not been the same thats why we want that pan card to be despatched at our corporate office. so what address proove to be submitted for that as certificate of incorporation does not contain address of the r.o.

plz reply

Bhuvi Garg   01 October 2009 at 16:51

Can my father transfer his property to 4 out of 5 daughter?

Dear Sir,
we are five sisters(married) with no brothers.Lately my father and my mother were troubled a lot by my youngest sister and her husband , demanding their equal share in our father and mother's property as well as the land, which our father gave them on rent for running their business temporarily, apart from their share of wealth.
Now looking at their greedy nature my father does not want to distribute his and wife's property in her name except the other four.
He fears to do so as this (youngest)daughter have a retired criminal father in law who is playing all the games to acquire all the share in property.
Is there any way out where my father can transfer/gift the property safely to all his other 4 daughtes except the one and how can he throw her and her spouse out of the land given for running their business?(as there was no proper rent agreement ever made)Please help.

Sachin Bhatia   01 October 2009 at 16:26

Photo upload

I don't have the option of photo upload in my profile there is an option of change avtar in controlcenter.

How can i upload my photo?

Gayathri Prajit   01 October 2009 at 16:24


Can a Pvt Ltd. company register copyright on Literary work authored by the Managing Director of the said Co. with the copyright office? In such case will the copyright be owned by the company or by the MD of the company?

kaushikphm   01 October 2009 at 16:23


Dear Sir,

My sister and myself plan to partition our property which is in both are owners.
I am going to take a shop in the groundfloor and two room in first floor.
The shop which is rented, my sister received some amount and adjusting her rent for the debt and she is not having money to pay principal amount to release the debt. She is advising me to receive monthy rent from her without disturbing the tenant for some month after partition.
She is providing monthly rent receipt to the tenant.
Please advise me whether we can accept her advise.

Adv Lucky CS   01 October 2009 at 14:12


In the case of Affidavits,

Does it require compulsory notarisation..?

Compulsory signature of Advocate is required or not...?
(Is it required in every case or in specific cases or not mandatory)

Oath before magistrate is it compulsory..?
n whats the procedure..?

Procedure regarding Photograph in Maharashtra as is required...?

Please guide me in these regards as i am new to the platform,


chandranil S Belvlakar   01 October 2009 at 12:55

Leave and licence agreement

Dear Experts,

I am the tenent and I want to give notice to my landlord for vacating his premises, my leave and licence agreement does not contain any notice period, can I give 30 days notice to landlord of my intention to vacate premises or more days notice is requird kindly tell me if any act clears this point