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Bankers' Books Evidence Act,1891

Act No : 18

Section : Costs.

7. Costs.-(1) The costs of any application to the Court or aJudge under or for the purposes of this Act and the costs of anythingdone or to be done under an order of the Court or a Judge made underor for the purposes of this Act shall be in the discretion of theCourt or Judge, who may further order such costs or any part thereofto be paid to any party by the bank if they have been incurred inconsequence of any fault or improper delay on the part of the bank. (2) Any order made under this section for the payment of costs toor by a bank may be enforced as if the bank were a party to theproceeding. (3) Any order under this section awarding costs may, onapplication to any Court of Civil Judicature designated in the order,be executed by such Court as if the order were a decree for moneypassed by itself: Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall be construed toderogate from any power which the Court or Judge making the order maypossess for the enforcement of its or his directions with respect tothe payment of costs.

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