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(Querist) 21 March 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Can my younger brother can claim on my property which I purchased when he was minor ...
Guest (Expert) 21 March 2018
Very vague query without making mention in whose name the property was purchased and with whose money. However, your brother can claim, if purchased and registered in his name.
Guest (Expert) 21 March 2018
Absolutely vague query.

Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 22 March 2018
CONTRARY to what the nick named "JIGYASU" who claims himself as a "Legal Analyst", claims that this query is "Absolutely vague"query". This query is self-explaintory and very very simple:

1. Minor brother CANNOT claim ANY share in your Self-Acquired property, more so IF said property was purchased out of your own Self-Earned money.

2. Minor brother CAN claim share in your said property, IF you have purchased the property using his Father /Mother /Ancestral money.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
Guest (Expert) 22 March 2018
Vague presumption of Mr. Hemant Agarwal treating the query, as self explainatory, on a vague query, where the querist never stated that he acquired property with his own funds and in his own name!

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